The War Within Hotfixes - October 1

September 3, 2024


  • Corrected an issue preventing Buddy System from being immediately granted when completed.

Auction House

  • Resolved issues causing the Auction House to experience degraded performance.


  • Death Knight
    • Frost
      • Frost Strike damage reduced by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Obliterate damage reduced by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Icy Death Torrent damage reduced by 10%.
      • Glacial Advance damage reduced by 10%. Does not apply to PvP.
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Umbral Intensity increases the damage of Wrath by 20/40% (was 25/50%) and Starfire by 15/30% (was 50%).
      • Starsurge damage increased by 12%.
      • Starfall damage increased by 20%.
      • Harmony of the Heavens increases Eclipse power by 2% per proc, max 6% (was 1% per proc, max 5%).
    • Feral
      • Bloodtalons and Lion’s Strength now also increase the damage of Rampant Ferocity.
  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Damage of all spells and abilities increased by 6%.
      • Firestorm damage increased by 20%
      • Firestorm duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 12 seconds).
    • Flameshaper
      • Engulf damage increased by 30%.
  • Hunter
    • An issue causing Unnatural Causes to not function with multiple Hunters has been resolved.
    • Sentinel damage is now increased by Unnatural Causes.
    • Pack Leader
      • Vicious Hunt damage increased by 10% for Beast Mastery.
      • Vicious Hunt damage decreased by 10% for Survival.
        • Developers’ notes: When Vicious Hunt’s damage reaches a certain point, it can cause Kill Command to dominate Survival’s rotation. This adjustment and subsequent compensation are meant to ensure Pack Leader Survival Hunters are utilizing the other tools at their disposal.
      • Howl of the Pack critical strike damage bonus increased to 5% for Beast Mastery (was 3%).
      • Howl of the Pack critical strike damage bonus increased to 11% for Survival (was 7%).
      • Furious Assault damage bonus increased to 60% for Survival (was 30%).
      • Cull the Herd damage over time increased to 60% for Survival (was 30%).
  • Mage
    • Fire
      • Living Bomb damage increased by 30%.
      • Pyroblast damage increased by 5%.
      • Flamestrike damage increased by 10%.
    • Frostfire
      • Frostfire Bolt damage increased by 25% for Fire.
    • Sunfury
      • Burden of Power can no longer be double dipped by spell queueing.
      • Arcane Phoenix damage dealt reduced by 10% for Arcane.
      • Arcane Soul base duration reduced to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).
  • Monk
    • Fixed an issue that caused Chi Burst’s damage to cancel Spinning Crane Kick and Celestial Conduit.
    • Windwalker
      • Tiger Palm now has a 1-second cooldown while Darting Hurricane’s effect is active.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Gale Force to not copy damage from Thunderfist.
  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment reduced by 10%. For example, at level 80, 180 Mastery rating now grants 1.35% Mastery (was 1.5%).
      • All Holy spell damage increased by 5%.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Oracle Discipline priests’ Preventive Measures now increases Power Word: Shield absorption by 40% (was 25%). Does not apply to PvP.
      • Atonement healing increased by 100% outside raid (was 70%). Does not apply to PvP.
      • Fixed an issue where Atonement critical healing was not increased by the correct amount outside of raid.
      • Shadow Word: Pain and Purge the Wicked damage increased by 20%.
    • Shadow
      • Voidweaver Shadow priests’ Void Blast damage increased by 20%.
  • Rogue
    • Corrected an issue that prevented multiple Subtlety Rogues from applying Deathstalker’s Mark to the same target.
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Mastery: Elemental Overload’s bonus to all Elemental and Physical damage increased by 35%.
      • All damage reduced by 6%.
      • Stormbringer
        • Tempest now deals 65% of its damage to enemies near its primary target (was 50%).
        • Tempest now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
    • Enhancement
      • All damage reduced by 4%.
      • Elemental Blast damage increased by 12%.
      • Stormbringer
        • Tempest now deals 65% of its damage to enemies near its primary target (was 50%).
        • Tempest now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
      • Totemic
        • Tremor damage increased by 10%.
        • Searing Volley damage increased by 80%.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Fixed an issue where Malevolence would break enemy players out of stealth.
      • Fixed an issue where Volatile Agony area damage ignored line of sight.
    • Destruction
      • All ability damage increased by 5%.


  • Reduced the damage of Fungal Breath from the Invasive Sporecap rare.
  • The bountiful icon on the scenario objective UI now hides upon looting the locked treasure chest to better indicate that you’ve collected your rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with Brann’s sleep schedule.


  • City of Threads
    • Fixed an issue where players were losing their earned Pheromone buffs and being attacked by the citizens.


  • Awakening the Machine
    • Medpack ground duration increased to 2 minutes (was 1 minute).
    • Automatic Ironstrider damage decreased by 17%.
    • Malfunctioning Pylon damage decreased by 20%.
    • Nullification Barrier duration decreased to 2 minutes.
    • Addressed an issue where Nullification Barrier could persist after combat.


  • Charged Runeaxe Intellect granted has been increased to align with other similar items.
  • Congealed Cinderbrew Cinch now uses its intended appearance which can be collected.

Player versus Player

  • Corrected an issue where War Mode World Quests may display no reward for completion.
  • Druid
    • Rip damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Rake damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Balance
      • Lunar Calling now increases Starfire damage by 50% in PvP combat (was 65%).
      • Umbral Embrace now increases the damage of Wrath and Starfire by 40% in PvP combat (was 75%).
    • Feral
      • Taste For Blood’s damage increase to Ferocious Bite during Tiger’s Fury is decreased by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Saber Jaws effectiveness now reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Mage
    • Frost
      • Ice Lance damage increased by 45% in PvP combat (was 75%).
  • Monk
    • Master of Harmony
      • Manifestation is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
    • Brewmaster
      • Chi Burst damage reduced by 30% for Brewmaster Monks in PvP combat.
    • Mistweaver
      • Peaceweaver now reduces the cooldown of Revival by 33% (was 50%).
      • Life Cocoon is now 30% more effective in PvP combat.
      • Enveloping Mist can no longer be dispelled.
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • Prayer of Mending healing increased by 65% in PvP combat.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Lava Lash damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
      • Stormstrike and Windstrike damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
      • Windfury Attack damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
  • Warrior
    • Thunderous Roar damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Arms
      • Auto attack damage no longer decreased by an additional 12% in PvP combat.
    • Fury
      • Odyn’s Fury damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.


  • Fixed an issue where one of the Profession specialization tomes purchased in the City of Threads with Kej were unable to be used in specific orders.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tailoring Weekly Quest “Tailoring Services Requested” which would be dropped upon logout.


  • The “Behind Closed Doors” questline can now be completed by any character once The Ringing Deeps campaign has been completed at least once on the account.
  • The Recall Lisky button will now clean up and go away after the quest “Lisky Business” is turned in.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple players couldn’t sit and listen at the same time during “One Last Story”.
  • The scenario “The Light in the Dark” should no longer occasionally get stuck on the first step if Faerin is too far away.
  • After finishing the War Within campaign, you can now find Alleria Windrunner in the Foundation Hall in Dornogal and ask her to show what happened during the finale. This will play the cutscene from the final chapter.

When can we expect an Earthen Racial rework?


No fix for the guild bank issue yet? Any estimate on that?


Please explain why you’ve decided to go back on your decision just a few weeks ago re: arcane mage double dipping.

You’re just going through with it now after putting us through the exact same song and dance and are avoiding providing context.

We demand an explanation.

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when the hotfix is going to be live guys?

0% chance character restoration will be in any of these patches or mainenance anytime soon and it just kills me because I lost my main to your UI bug which you have yet to even MENTION

Would like an update on guild bank and war bank items going missing.

So it went from “easy” to “really easy”? Man, I was hoping this would get harder, and have tiers of difficulty :frowning:

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Okay, now that you nerfed frost dk, can we get a fix for Charged Slicer being treated as a sword when crafting? Thanks.

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I don’t care for arcane and I’d rather play a more fun mage spec, but since you refuse to bugfix the other two mage specs, don’t you think you should’ve allowed arcane to play like people want it to play?

Also since you’re using AI for balance patches now, because there’s no way a human looked at the Nether Precision debate you’ve had with players 3 weeks ago and decided to then change Burden of Power in the same way you’ve attempted to change Nether Precision, can we expect more frequent balance patches?

AI doesn’t cost nearly as much as humans so I’m sure you can go back to balance patches every few weeks rather than every few weeks for 1 month and then no balance patches until the next major patch.


I don’t care that you actually went through with the Burden change, but you owe us an explanation on why. I can’t come up with any logical reason you would do this after the nether precision revert.

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We will never stop demanding a revert to the Burden of Power change you did, just letting you know this; it has completely sapped the fluidity and the fun out of Arcane.

I feel so bad for Porom, he’s put in so much work in to the spec since alpha out of the goodness of his own heart only for Blizzard to just keep jerking him around over and over again, the man deserves better than what he got.

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what about stealth breaks?

they just keep adding stuff in there without specifying. when i first checked this post monk wasnt mentioned now it is heh

make a new post when you make changes. dont just be weasels adding edits after the fact :wink:

Once again asking for a reversion on the change to burden of power and an explanation as to why you’re putting in the exact thing we fight against weeks ago with nether precision

“Hey guys… i have an idea… you know super basic game functions like the ability to recover health and mana? How about this… the earthen can’t.”

“Sounds great!”

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In order to achieve some semblance of balance between Mage specs in PvE content, in addition to the tuning notes posted above, you need to:

  • Aura buff Fire’s baseline by 8-10%

On topic of Living Bomb, while it has likely reached the desired AoE throughput when fully invested into it, single target output remains practically non-existent.
The easy way to address this is to buff the Convection talent to around 500% (five hundred percent) increased effectiveness when bomb is applied to only one target.


Most of us can’t even craft our weapons, because we specialized in axes to craft an axe that is apparently a sword (according to blizzard). Fix the Charged Slicer recipe @blizz! Give us some kind of feedback that it’s being fixed!


When will you fix certain bags not being in the Work Order list (namely profession buff specific ones) for tailors to make?

When will you fix either the dust usage amounts for everything/give some tailoring green disenchant junk creations/let us shatter the 10 million blues we get from everything into dust?

When will you fix Patron orders wanting WAY to high of qualities at the start, for way to late game of things, for next to no rewards and almost never supplying the needed mats?

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