The War Within Hotfixes - October 1

Are you guys going to hotfix the gathering knowledge point exploit that gave every bot in the game and a good chunk of the sweats who gather, maxed out Knowledge Points?

Kinda rough seeing that 80% of the gatherers (due to the number of bots) managed to get a 5 month advantage on a market where it crashes in 1-2 months.

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How do you put an Achievement as big as the Lore Hunter one in the game broken. Like come on Blizzard.

Scarab hunting still broken. Has been reported since beta. Wont even acknowledge it lol…

which accomplish nothing, kinda like forums… bro

Please look into undoing the nerf to epic bgs or at least buff them 80% to where they were pre nerf. There are plenty of players that preferred the difficulty and looked forward to climbing with the new seasons. The nerf made the matches easier than they were originally before the xpac.

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This is something that has always burned me. I know the beauty of a game that is played on a PC is that patches can be downloaded as we go along but do they Have to be put in during the weekend?! That’s when everyone is home and ready to play. Can’t it wait until Tuesday morning when you do the weekly reset?! It’s the Labor Day weekend, and all I wanted to do is veg-out and play some Warcraft, but Nooooo, I have to wait for the 100th million patch to download first. Program the game correctly the first time and let us play please. This is tiresome.

The auction house is absolutely ridiculously sloooooooooow !!! For the love of Garrosh please pleeeeease FIX IT !

I’ve Noticed a nerf to the amount of herbs or mining stuff you get from the Snuffling rewards, it has been reduced by about 2/3rds of what it was in this hotfix.

It WAS a good way to get a decent amount of low quality herbs, now its not even worth the effort of going out snuffling.

PLEASE FIX Khadgar . Anyone who wants get the underlight angler on there alts, cannot turn in the luminous pearl quest because khadgar is gone from dalaran.


Devs please fix this Fel-Scarred / Sigil of Flame Bugs - #24 by Sassypeak-moon-guard

Your killing an entire play style and removing this tanking option from the game this has been an issue since EA

PLEASE, please, fix Mistweaver Monk’s Jadefire Stomp on the airships in “The Dawnbreaker” dungeon. It stops almost immediately in front of me and doesn’t travel or will drop down on a totally different spot than where I intended. This is going to make it almost impossible to heal effectively come Mythic+ as I have to stand on it to do most of my healing for the tree I’m specced into.

Totally ruined Shamans I would usually trail along dps meters at second and now im last and have prot warriors and fury warriors out-dps’ing everyone the nerf to shamans was insane and no nerf on warriors?

Is he there in Chromie time

Professions are still broken

Everything in tailor needs dust but we can’t reasonably get dust as the only craftable greens to tailor require dust to make

Profession buffing tailoring bags cannot be ordered through the work order system but are BoP

I’ve found that I just need to farm spiders for cloth and greens will drop and I have those DEd. It’s a bad system though.

Considering the amount of dust we need for tailoring, we should be able to reliably craft things to disenchant for it, even if it’s just a slight gold sink by eating up moss thread, also doesn’t fix the issues with prof gear needing the new ‘mettle’ as does buying recipees from vendors or the fact that the best bags which are BoP aren’t able to be ordered via work order for some, unfathomable, reason, honestly Bliz really do feel like ‘small indie company’ with how major these oversites seem to constantly be (don’t get me started on the patron system wanting dawnweave robes at 4 star, at the start of the expac, and how patrons pay basically no money and provide, no mats, seriously, the scammers at the start of DF that flooded the WO system for stuff to sell on the AH weren’t this bad, they’d at least have higher gold payouts)

Look I was just giving you an option to get dust. lol You don’t need to convince me, since I already said it was a bad system. I’m actively working on 2 tailors… and every other prof.

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Sorry, hard for me to get tone through text I read it flat like/robotically, and have already delt with some stans acting like it isn’t a problem because ‘just make profession tools via bs/engineer/lw/etc’

Apparently JC is having a similar issue due to gem shards?

I don’t think I have gotten far enough on JC to determine if there is an issue, I know originally that getting gems from ore was difficult but they fixed it.

Alchy is an issue right now where one of the spells to learn new recipes just blows up, every single time. It’s not a guarantee, but some people have done it 10+ times and continue to get blown up.

I don’t find it a viable solution to have to have an alt with another prof just to make prof tools to DE (and I say this as someone who had 35 70s). Some people don’t have alts, or don’t have time to raise up other profs yet. So that’s a silly solution if that’s what people are recommending.