The War Within Hotfixes - October 1

This is still broken. My pet (SV Hunter) still stops the hooks.

I’ll just keep bringing it up. The eu forums have had much better engagement on the subject. They’ve even stated the entries still exist in the database. They need to make the players whole here.

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It’s been a month.

It’s not happening.

Just had a NW7 key bricked because it hooked a Shaman totem so can confirm this did not fix it.


Any news on progress for restoration of Guild Bank items that were wiped? Guild bank missing items - what happened? - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

610 forum users reporting themselves impacted by this, and not a single Blue Post. All comms from GM tickets, Twitter, CS EU reps have been of the “we’re working on it” but no guidance as to whether it’s safe to use the Guild Bank again, official confirmation that the underlying bug has been fixed, or whether impacted Guilds are likely to get their items back.

Data corruption (even if “only” display data) would have had other companies raising this to Director level (at least in Europe, where it can be a legal issue and impact share price). How hard is it to compose one Blue Post reply to a trust issue, that has already had people un-subbing, over one month after it started happening?


Why make an already annoying to use trinket even more annoying to use?

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It was probably because people were farming the BiS trinket from the first boss, bricking groups or causing disappointment when people joined only to find first boss down. Basically, a heavy-handed extra punishment for leaving group content for your own reason.

Rewards always work better than punishments for encouraging co-operative behaviour.
It would have been better simply to move that item from the first to the last boss.


this is dumb


Of all things why jump? Revert it back or if this was done to keep from using 2 on use trinkets make it a 2 minute on use trinket anything but jumping to cancel the effect

So can I do this Derby on my main like I have been doing and get the full reward, then complete it again on an alt and get 3 marks? What about the Trophy Fish? Do they award marks for each alt also?

They designed a fight this raid that requires jumping and somehow thought making this trinket cancel by jumping was a good idea.

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I know right Blizz logic

According to EU, no, it’s 3 marks for any character, even the first.

Revert this Blizz. What the hell. That’s 23 marks MAX per character. That’s less than you would get on one character before from just the quest.

You literally just made alts required for the derby. Stop it.


Sure would LOVE a better gap closer and literally ANY dmg reduction for Ret

They made it unusable by both DH and evokers lol

So, according to comments on a Wowhead article posted 5 hours ago, it’s rewarding 3 marks, even on the first character instead of the 25 we were getting. Nice going.

So yeah, we can do it on alts but I would have to complete the entire thing on so many alts to even get the same amount of marks I was getting doing it on a single character in previous weeks.

This needs an immediate hotfix.


So all characters only get 3 marks now. Instead of doing this on one and getting 25, you expect people to do this on 9 different characters to get the same? Are you people okay there?


I can confirm. Did it this morning on one character and only got 3.

Have you COMPLETELY lost your minds? Why on earth would you do this to people? You now have to complete the quest on NINE characters to earn the same reward that 1 character could before. This change is absolutely outrageous.

Edit: I realize that for people who have an army of alts and wish to spend every Saturday collecting 1 of every single Khaz Algar fish on every one of those alts, the potential for mark earnings greatly increases. However, some of us have no wish to put forth all of that time and effort and for those people, this change is downright insulting. There seem to be a lot of anti-player timesink changes going into the game these days - for example, things like crafting/gathering being “nerfed” to such an extent that getting completely optimized for raids right now requires hundreds of thousands of gold worth of enchants/consumables, which has never been the case at any point in the past, and now changes like this and others. It is blatant and transparent and totally obnoxious and the team desperately needs to reevaluate these decisions.


This reward change is illogical and should be immediately reverted. Ignoring the Soaked Journal Entry item for purchase from the Derby vendor, as a player would easily get to max level fishing if they do this weekly quest, there are 3,140 Mereldar Derby Marks needed to purchase all items from the vendor and max out the Seekerthreads and Anglerthreads. From this change, one character can get a max of 23 Derby Marks/week. It would take 137 weeks for a single character to purchase all the items. There are 52 weeks in a year which would mean 2.7 years to earn all items if I started working on this today?! This isn’t achievable within the lifespan of this expansion unless the expansion timeline is greatly being extended from what was presented when TWW was announced. Blizzard has essentially made this now alt REQUIRED to finish within the timeline of the expansion. As a player that rarely plays an alt, it is saddened to me that this change was implemented without some explanation. This change truly has destroyed my desire to do the weekly this morning when prior to the change it was something I looked forward to the past few Saturdays. Revert this illogical change, please.