The War Within Hotfixes - March 18

Nothing about the 2nd full spark on a 1/2-spark week huh?

PLEASE fix the old quests “Soften Them Up” and “Wrath of the lich king” which are BROKEN for many months now!

Is the fix for the “Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Gold” coming out in this hotfix?

Even adding it to Reno as a purchasable item if you have the achievement seems like a simple fix

These insanely heavy-handed Brann nerfs are absolutely baffling & makes literally no sense in the context of unranked (mostly solo) PvE content. He’s literally getting destroyed by non-elites in 5 seconds, & 2 shot by elites. If your “concern” is that players are choose tank spec over the others, the solution should be to make healer & dps more interesting, not make the tanking spec completely useless. I hope these changes are mostly reverted, because a 60% damage increase to damage taken stacked with a 20% health nerf is just stupid.


Their intention is that he ONLY be healer for all players


Just a heads up that you made a spec called brewmaster 13 years ago that you forgot about.


Need to nerf last boss phase 2 trash in Priory of the Sacred Flame. I’m done with that dungeon until it’s fixed, such cruel and unusual punishment to reach the end only to get destroyed by adds.

Also couple trash in Excavation Site 9 need to nerfed. For example, I’m using dominate mind on Tainted Feasters because they’re dealing 2-3x more damage as my pet than me as disc priest…

You guys gonna address the World Server issue or what? Wowhead even posted an article already, but still no Blue or X posts.


Not really as they nerfed his health and increased the damage he takes by 60% yesterday.

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yeah, instead of dying to the puddles he refuses to move out of, he’ll just get 2-tapped on every pull

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Well- I can finally say- without reservation that you guys have destroyed your own game. Every time you make a change that makes it enticing for people to come back, you just screw them over again. Honestly, the only thing that i massively regret is that i was dumb enough to subscribe for more than 1 month at a time. If it were possible, i’d refund and delete the game.

You destroy any game mode that is engaging (see mythic keys with a billion interrupts, see delves with a “tank” that can’t even take on a non-elite, see time-gating your content because of a fear of losing players to “boredom”.) and in stead have focused on tuning things to the point where regular people don’t really find any meaning or engagement in any of the “pillars”.

If M+ was what anyone wanted, we’d for sure be running it at breakneck speed. You took a step in the right direction by dialing back the 2 million casts done, but at the same time you even further nerfed the crap out of healers by making tanks take half health hits, while healers are given the ability to upkeep maybe 1/4 of the damage they take.

You gave delves as a way for solo players to play the game and engage without dealing with the sweaty try-hards you’ve enculcated with your horrible decisions, and then said “nevermind, your auto-tank we built was too good so we made him suck again”.

400+ types of currency over 20 years… re-colored garbage loot. Guilds dying left and right, and players leaving for games where they actually listen to their player-base. Yet you guys don’t see an issue and keep raking it in. I’ll never understand the mentality.

The main problem is Ion, they should get rid of him. He keeps insisting that M+ be the end game that ALL players should do and all other avenues of progression should be less than. Hes also the Dev that infamously said that he knew what was fun more than players.

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If Brann was the tank in a dungeon group… he’d be V2K’d after the first pull. It feels like he’s out here in the best gear Dragonflight has to offer. Getting shanked to death in seconds by kobolds.

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You think hunter doesn’t more adjustments? Amazing.

Could you clarify your intentions about the minecart event in Darkflame Cleft please? There’s 2 things I had in mind which may have been overlooked during the design.

  1. If the group dies at a groups of mobs during the minecart event, when they use the teleport back they’re stunned for a bit which leads to them getting killed again during the stun. Is this intended, or can we remove the stun or get reduced damage taken during the stun?
  2. The corridor creeper stacks up a dot on the tank which can’t be dispelled. The only way to counterplay that dot (in higher keys) is through either kiting, or playing a paladin/dk for the immunities. Is this intended, or should you look into adding a dispel for the dot, alternatively a maximum amount of stacks or nerf its damage?
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Y’all did something else to Brann, he does way less damage, but isn’t a wet paper noodle anymore, and it isn’t just from AoE damage.

I feels like you lowered or reverted his damage taken nerf, and you are hiding it behind this sentence.

Buff Brewmaster. I am no longer asking.

these interns still have no clue how to balance their game

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Yeah and they removed exp from mobs as well in bountiful delves only get it from last boss now