the creeper gets buffed if it’s near corpses. the tank dot isn’t a big deal unless the creeper is buffed. this is working as intended.
My level 71 Brann is still getting two-shot by Nemesis mob AOE.
And another season remains of the unaddressed bugs, reported by thousands of warlock demo players, about the useless pets… just ban me already cuz the devs suck
Idk man, it stacks up until it dies so ive had 5-7 million per tick at the tooltip around 20-30ish stacks, that feels rather big to me. Standing near corpses buffs their damage even more but that’s easily counterplayed through positioning.
Granted, the DPS should’ve killed adds faster, but it still feels weird that the counter is kiting or being a dk/pala.
I hear you! It’s frustrating to deal with these issues when the spec could be so much more.
I was happy they did something with the Felguard (CD and permanent pet.) However, it was strange that they said the bug they fixed was “unintended increased AoE damage”. The problem occurred with all the pets.
The issue I encountered with the Felguard was that it would instantly disappear in random encounters. For instance, the final boss of the City of Threads would randomly eliminate either the CD or the permanent pet. (One time, it wiped out my imps.) This pattern repeated for every other encounter. Notably, my pets weren’t taking increased damage; they were simply being deleted, and the deletion wasn’t consistent. Sometimes, it was the dogs, while at other times, it was the CD Felguard. Interestingly, the Felguard would often vanish before its supposed charge on cast. Even stranger is the twins in City of Threads for example was where my pets wouldn’t get deleted and that has lots of AoE damage. The Coaglamation is another encounter where the pets weren’t an issue. So, this “taking more AoE damage than intended” is very odd.
The CD pet issue still pops up in the new dungeons, even though it’s not as common. As soon as you get the cast off, the pet disappears. I’m at the point where I’m just happy if a dog gets taken out because that means the CD Felguard will do its job.
I also have stories of my Felguard (permanent) falling through the floor and aggroing some NPCs below the ship in Mythic +12 Dawnbreaker. I must tell you how “fun” it is to have shadow bolts hit you from beneath the ship from an out of range mob.
March 17, 2025
- Death Knight
- San’layn: Fixed an issue causing the Incite Terror debuff to be attributed to only one Death Knight in a group.
- Blood
- Undermine 2-piece set bonus - Triggering Icebound Fortitude while it is already active will now add the bonus duration instead of replacing the existing effect.
- Demon Hunter
- Aldrachi Reaver: Fixed an issue causing Wounded Quarry to sometimes incorrectly retain damage from a previous instance of Reaver’s Mark.
- Vengeance
- Undermine 2-piece set bonus - Fixed an issue that prevented the bonus from triggering as frequently as intended.
- Fel-Scarred: Fixed an issue that prevented Violent Transformation’s (Talent) effect if Metamorphosis was activated shortly after the Undermine 2-piece set effect triggered.
- Hunter
- Fixed an issue that allowed Marksmanship Hunters to benefit from each other’s Spotter’s Mark proc effects like Calling the Shots and On Target.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Spotter’s Mark procs from Ohn’ahran Winds from granting Calling the Shots or On Target proc effects.
- Paladin
- Holy
- Fixed an issue that caused Divine Toll’s radius to be smaller than intended when cast on friendly targets.
- Holy
- Priest
- Discipline
- Fixed an issue causing mouseover and focus casts of Penance on enemies to sometimes not fire Penance bolts.
- Oracle: Fixed an issue causing extra Penance bolt visuals to fire when casting Penance with Twinsight talented.
- Discipline
- Brann Bronzebeard
- Tank Brann now receives 13% reduced damage overall.
- Tank Brann now receives 5% reduced damage while using his shotgun.
- Tank Brann now receives 20% increased healing while using his shotgun.
- Tank Brann maximum health increased by 10%.
- The following spells now have a special internal cooldown for Electro-Charged Weapons stacks when healing Tank Brann.
- Soothing Mists
- Ultimate Penitence
- Penance
- Eternal Flame
- Nourish
- Rejuvenation
- Riptide
- Atonement
- Ancient Teachings
- All versions of Brann now take 50% reduced damage from Area-of-Effect damage.
- Fixed a bug where Healer Brann’s damage taken was not being reduced as expected.
- Developers’ notes: Bottom line here is that Season 2 Healer Brann now has a reduction of damage taken that is similar to Season 1 Healer Brann.
- Healer and Damage Brann’s Aspect of the Turtle cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
- Healer and Damage Brann’s The Bronzebeard Spirit self-heal cooldown reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).
- Healer and Damage Brann’s The Bronzebeard Spirit self-heal effect increased to 30% of Brann’s health (was 15%).
- An issue causing Tank Brann’s level to not properly increase beyond 50 has been resolved.
- A particularly nasty trio of Hobgoblins appearing in Delves is now a duo of Hobgoblins. The other one went for a swim.
- Earthcrawl Mines
- Fixed an issue where the Pacifist Rig could cause some bosses to despawn and hunter pets to stop attacking. The Pacifist Rig is now remote controlled!
- Monks’ Crackling Jade Lightning and other periodic damage effects should now clear webs caused by Web Spreaders.
- Sidestreet Sluice
- In the Teleporter Tantrums variant, the Remote Teleporter can no longer be used in combat. Additionally, one of the teleport pads is now disabled when Geargrave spawns.
Dungeons and Raids
- Addressed an issue where Xal’atath’s Bargain: Pulsar can be difficult to interact with on elevated terrains.
- Darkflame Cleft
- Candleflame Bolt cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Wicklighter Bolt cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Throw Rock cast time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5.seconds) and damage reduced by 25%.
- Resolved an issue where Ol’ Waxbeard’s Reckless Charge could hit players after his charge had completed.
- Operation Mechagon - Workshop
- Resolved an issue where Anti-Personnel Squirrel’s visual did not match its area of effect after a knockback effect.
- Head Machinist Sparkflux’s Discom-BOMB-ulator cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Resolved an issue where Omega Buster’s Magneto-Arm would not pull players.
- Liberation of Undermine
- Rik Reverb
- Increased the maximum debuff stacks of Lingering Voltage to 99 (was 15) in Heroic and Mythic difficulty.
- Stix Bunkjunker
- Territorial Bombshell now leaves its garbage pile at 80% health remaining (was 75%) on Mythic difficulty.
- Territorial Bombshell health reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
- Scrap Rockets damage reduced by 33% on Mythic difficulty.
- Short Fuse damage reduced by 33% on Mythic difficulty.
- Mug’Zee, Heads of Security
- The door after Mug’zee now properly opens on a soft reset if Mug’zee was defeated.
- Mug’Zee no longer gains stacks of Moxie during his’s intermission.
- Rik Reverb
Items and Rewards
- Players can earn an extra Fractured Spark of Fortunes by speaking with Custodian Khubon in Dornogal.
- The Jastor Diamond no longer triggers while out of combat.
- Amorphous Relic on-enter-combat effect can only trigger 60 seconds after the last buff was applied. The Massive and Miniature buffs will no longer be removed upon entering combat.
- The parts used to assemble the Handcrank and Steamboil Turbos now stack up to 99.
Player versus Player
- Mage
- Fixed an issue causing Blast Wave to ignore knockback diminishing returns.
- Monk
- Windwalker
- Last Emperor’s Capacitor stacks now clear on Arena or Battleground start.
- Windwalker
- Addressed an issue where the “Ship Right” and “War Mode Violence” tasks were not granting credit.
- Demolition Dome
- Resolved an issue where The Underpin’s Cronys could get stuck outside of The Underpin’s arena.
Where. Are. The. BREW. MASTER. BUFFS.
How can you let this spec languish for this long?
Lowest representation
Lowest DPS
Lowest survivability.
Arguably lowest Utility.
Still no fix on the ?? Underpin rewards zzzz
Holy paladin buff? When?
The trinket is F tier lmao
You made it even worse
At this point in the game’s life, we all know that Blizzard purposefully adds garbo trinkets to pad out the loot pool and as traps for anyone that auto equips the highest ilevel item.
So now basically no one is going to be able to kill that last boss on t11? Brann dies every 5 seconds and the only way to recoup at all is to use the teleporter to the upper level.
Made a reply on the other thread but I’ll repeat it here too:
Tank Brann in Spiral Weave is kinda bugging out. His targeting is wonky and I have to stand right beside him and hold his hand while he Tanks mobs. May be worth looking at.
I second this. I was doing this delve as a healer with Tank Brann late last night and he would just stand at range and not get in there and start tanking. Also, I try to gain some distance from him and all the crap on the ground but he keeps bringing the pack next to me as well.
Additionally, his damage output now is absolutely horrible and extremely noticeable since week 1. It was actually enjoyable in week 1 to play a healer in delves for once, now I dread how long it takes… I was falling asleep last night.
I was doing a T7 Spiral Weave, so thankfully keeping Tank Brann up wasn’t bad.
I’ve beaten it on both Enhancement and Elemental on T11. Neither had brann dying a ton that I remember. Just need keep the circles tightly packed, you get tons of time to manage your health and the only real dangerous part is when he puts up the shield. They do have earth ele to tank, but honestly earth ele on enhancement is more of a detriment than a help since it tanks in a pool and you can’t melee. Elemental has poor single target dps so it’s not like I’m dropping him super quick either, might get him to 1/2 Hp before ele died and it was just me tanking. I’m not even sure how you would use the teleporter to help you kill the boss since he just resets to full health, at least he did for me when I tried it.
I thought the gold boss was way worse since it’s real easy to accidentally chain pull. Also didn’t help having a nemesis pack right there amongst the shamans lol.
You did it after they nerfed Tank Brann?
the pally tier set is still not working correctly. i may be the only one who choses to use this talent but that dosnt matter. justicars vengence should be affected by the new winning streak buff and its not.
Great buff VDH more before you even look at brewmasters. Good Job failing the brewmaster community.
They are not really “developers”, more like yes men and coders who work for a management that has no grasp on what the game was and is.