The War Within, Hero Talents & Evergreen

Ever since the announcement of The War Within, I have been wondering about the talk of evergreen features and looking at the talent trees and hero talent trees. If we’re going to continue leveling up and not getting talent points + new rows of talents like we’ve been used to from Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath talent trees, then the Dragonflight talent trees don’t seem to be all that ‘‘evergreen’’.

Instead, we’re getting a talent tree within a talent tree (hero talents) that for the most part, seems to be a little % increase on abilities, which is good, yet doesn’t impact your gameplay, but adds buff clutter. Together with the added problem that too many systems is going to scare away newcomers.

And how are Hero talents supposed to be ‘‘evergreen’’? Are we going to get another entire tree of talents by the end of this expansion saga? That doesn’t seem right.

I don’t think we need a new combat system every expansion, it does not seem sustainable at all. The current iteration of most of Hero’s talents feels like the artifact system but without the cool-looking weapons.

I’d rather have the developers strife for perfecting every class of their talent trees, as we’ve seen plenty of reworks throughout the Dragonflight expansion.
Give us artifact-like weapons for every spec without the power creep, but with a cool look and story, together with multiple ways of finding new looks for those weapons, just like the artifact system did in Legion.

I’m not saying this should be the forever evergreen system till we all grow old and senile, I just don’t feel like the Hero talents in their current state are the way forward.