Strange, for whatever reason it only let me make the basic races yet I got all the allied races?
You have to copy account data. Beta is not your account. It is effectively a new wow account. Without copying account data you do not have access to allied races.
One min I can create an earthen then it d/c me in the middle of it now I can’t again lol
it wouldn’t let me do that. It stayed empty…
It Goes to Eleven is a max level realm. Character copying is not currently enabled. Only Khadgar and Alleria have those options.
I’m sure someone in development told finance this would happen.
i got the choice to do allied races the first time, got booted before creation. Then it only let me do classic characters. made one but didn’t load so logged in a third time and it let me make allied races again. Dont know why.
beta gonna beta.
Well, in all honesty, the interface is working about as good as any microsoft app.
My main account that owns the epic edition doesn’t have access, but my secondary account does. Both under the same account umbrella. Can’t copy characters without the correct account. And no, I didn’t purchase it on the secondary account.
Trall should keep his hands off what isn’t his!
Well, I’m done trying to get in today, servers keep disappearing and character copy doesn’t pull up characters to copy and cant make a new character.
Right now, all characters are unavailable because I “don’t have tww”. So, I think we found our first bug lol.
That’s not a bug. It’s a server issue. They have like 50 billion server issues going on right now.
Servers are all marked “incompatible.” Maybe better luck tomorrow when things smooth over.
Log in (finally make it past the character creation) start the game, start choosing talent points, and then I get disconnected.
It was in the character select screen. Seems like a bug too me, it just has all races greyed out. I can preview but it wants me to “buy” tww. Idk
I’m not worried about it. I imagined it probably would be unplayable the first day or two.
You have to click the Beta Tab
You need to get off Test Server tab and to Beta tab. If you don’t see the tabs, the Beta servers are just offline.
Possibly a dumb question, but you did buy the Epic version correct? That’s the only one with “guaranteed” beta access