The War Within Beta Test Now Live!

WoW1 shows a public test realm Shadowlands.
WoW6 shows as public test realm Shadowlands.

Dragonflight shows no WoW# at all. It shows my original username I did when I was an emo teen in January of 2005.

But, beta asks me to choose between WoW1 and WoW6.

Beta will be 6

Does it look like this?

Same here!

Alright, so I killed it, restarted my pc, hard closed and did another pc restart. I still don’t have anything up sadly. Thanks for the advice to try out though.

It just popped up for me 1 minute ago, downloading it now. Still no servers available though. Idk what time its suppose to launch.

I would suggest playing a different game while we wait. Today’s testing will probably have quite a few bugs and lag issues. If that is something you want to avoid then tomorrow would probably be a better day to hop in on and try everything out.

Tried several times with many Repair and Re-installs… Either incapatable or disconnected and the process starts over… Good job… I think there’s some issues with Bliz Servers

It’s not open, yet… it’s been mentioned in the thread that the servers that are listed are the PTR/Alpha servers…

So, how about that guardian rework? Kinda hard to test the spec without the changes. Gonna be season 2 before we see anything again?

Mine’s currently saying patching, as part of the download. Hopefully, that means it is working. I won’t sweat it though, if it’s better to wait till tomorrow than it’s not like the beta is going anywhere.

Thats throwing alot of people off.
I don’t honestly recall seeing it that way with

I just recall seeing email for DF beta for dl and did the dl and was in.

Very true. It never goes anywhere. It’s just turns into live-beta.


They are legitimately going to open servers up at like 10PM PST tonight and act like thats what they meant all along. Pathetic change control at this company.

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Not true. All servers are offline.

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Honestly, Blizzard - we want to be patient, and understand there’s issues sometimes… just give us something to let us know it’s taking longer than it should, at the very least an estimated go-live window? The lack of communication is what’s most insulting - it would be much less of a big deal if people hadn’t paid for the beta :slight_smile:

As a side note, I hope you are all doing well today and that this beta is a banger.


Access was stated as immediate for those that purchased Epic edition. :slight_smile:


DO SOMETHING TO HUNTER FOR THE LOVE GOD! Talents trees are boring and unispiring, bm and mm havent had any serious changes since legion. Surv is surv… tier bonuses are somehow just as boring as the hero talents. Yet the only beta change is nerfing binding shot… a cc not even as strong as half of the other classes forms of cc… but thats what needs to be changed. Im convinved no one cares about hunter in all of blizzard. Mage has gotten how mamy reworks in the last 2 xpac but hunter is just left to suffer.

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Now live? No it ain’t!

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Don’t forget the removal of half the reason Survival could still barely cling to raid viability. RIP Lunge.