You’ll just have to “Abandon” the quest and start over or submit a ticket to Blizzard (the sooner the better so you don’t miss out).
My quest is, since War Bands are coming out, would that mean if you finished this new questline on an alt, would that progress then count towards your bugged main?
Gonna get back into logging in… I’ve played since late BC & DF was my least played overall expansion… just didn’t capture my attention whatsoever other than the talent revamp, here’s to TWW being better.
What’s all the stuff that’s getting taken away, though?
And figure out the middle part of the new talent system that’s the bugger lol
You can’t do those yet. Not until TWW. Because they are locked until you can get to 71.
Now 7 pm PDT ugh
You can look at them but that’s all until Launch Day.
In a few hours this officially becomes fake news.
Now 9pm PST, no longer gonna be 7/24
or maybe it doesn’t go live on july 23rd.
Yep, srill not live
Please change date to July 24.
Have to complete The Harbinger quest on every cartoon to trigger the next quest? Done it on two characters already, but never triggered the next quest. Also did the lore achievements etc in DF on one toon.
It’s not available until next week.
Ah ok. Thank you Cayna
You’re welcome.
Why is the expansion acronym The War In With?
Were you looking at a “This Week In Wow” link?