The War Within™ Pre-Expansion Content Update is Now Live!

You must be new to the forums. People always backlash against anything. Hey, people even backlashed on the forums about allowing for flying, people backlashed about heirlooms, etc. People will always find something that doesn’t effect them to backlash about. It is the forums.

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Demon Hunter and Rogue class design is unfinished and you are cheering on the rushed released.

Not a good look.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Because WoW is a MMO with day1 exploits 100% of the time.
Blizzard also desperately tries so hard to make esports a thing.
Esports with $40 advantages? lol.

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The season isn’t open on launch though?

I read somewhere that you have to finish the harbinger questline? The quest glitched for me in the alleria flashback section so does that mean I’m locked out of prepatch content? Alliance player, I don’t see any button to or action to ‘‘relive’’ memories…

Nothing will be smooth about the 23rd, the pre-expansion content nor the release days.

WW is not ready with its many crashes and problems.


So why is the bag from the prepatch 32 slots?
32 slot bags are 20g
Two expacs ago, you gave out 34 slot bags.

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What an incredibly horrid idea to push back the pre-expansion content to the 30th.

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BlizZard reasons.

For that reason I always stick with making older bags from previous expansions if they are the same number of slots.

Less competition for mats and easier to make

A good example is WoD bags which I was always able to sell very consistently well into BFA. And BFA was able to add a bag with more slots eventually. But it was still more lucrative to make hexweave bags from WoD well into the twilight of BFA…

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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THEY get three days to cook delicious stew.


For the event part. Get everyone geared up for the new expac.

Ending a season early for 1 month to gear for… leveling?

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Have we received any sort of confirmation that you can still obtain Keystone Master, KSM, and the mount during pre-patch?

Only the competitive aspect of the season is ending. You can still raid and do M+ to get better gear.

Yes, they’re still obtainable until the expansion goes live, or the week of August 20th. They haven’t clarified exactly how that will work, but the only rewards going away with July 23rd are the 0.1% M+ Title, and the Rated PVP rewards.


Thank you, I guess I misread it or didn’t understand it. I was hoping they were still obtainable, should be fun to do the M+ with the new class changes.

I would imagine this means July 23’s maintenance will likely be to 3pm PST (6pm EST).

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prop down all day with how bad the lag will be from eveyrone being on

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Yay new stuff

Is anyone able to shed some light on this part of the pre patch release (regarding the intro questline, “Visions of Azeroth”)?

“Players who have reached level 70 and have completed the final chapter of the Dragonflight questline will be called to take their next steps into the story leading into The War Within with the first part of the “Visions of Azeroth” questline.”

Does this chapter need to be completed on each character, or is it unlocked to all characters on an account that has completed it on at least one toon? Also, what is the quest in particular that triggers this as being completed?

noooo. not that AWFUL FACE AGAIN!