I’d say I mostly agree with you. But yes, I agree, solutions occur where there is a problem…duh.
Heroic PP was on par with Sindy H mechanically. My guild got PP H down a lot sooner than Heroic Sindy. (We were 11/12 H clear prenerf)
Sindy H was a little harder in P3… Heroic PP was a pure numbers game. And I say it as a main healer.
Only played T4 of TBCC, so i can’t comment on that.
But the point still stands, game was simpler back then. I mean, we got Classic right now, so everyone can see it first hand. Pros and cons to that. Im not saying that one is better than the other, just saying factually that earlier boss designs, even in Cata, are a lot simpler than modern boss designs. (again, pros and cons and to each their own)
I just don’t see devs making anything CRAZY with addons/WAs. It’s likely to combat WFR crazy new ideas/designs of WAs.
and as a result, I hope we are ought not to see anything like that one boss fight that required the entire raid to get into perfect positins with lines not to 1 shot the raid…I remember watching about it, but never played it myself.
As it should. addon functionality should be much more limited. if an addon is all but required for content it means something is wrong with the content. it either needs to be absorbed into the game’s default UI or the mechanic toned down/reworked.
same goes for the auction addons, they need to be severely cut down in what they can do.
Blizzard should design their own “addons,” or work with those who designed the addons.
Have it part of the game that reports encounter info like Details.
A dungeon journal is nice, but allow the player to use each specific encounter detail to be built by the player for each boss, using the labels from the dungeon journal.
For example: We know at so and so time, so and so encounter detail happens. Add a timer and have it flash the encounter detail for a warning. Weakauras can do this, but having this part of the game would be better imo.
It makes it sound like they want to restrict the APIs that are available specially in raid zones. Sky is the limit here. I’m interested to see what they’ll do.
I always remember the Prince fight in Kara and someone being the designated “call-out” person. They were in charge of watching for incoming Infernals and calling out what “zone” it was going to land in so everyone could move accordingly. Not everyone was meant for that job, as I’m sure many guilds found out the hard way. Good times.
Will be very interesting to see how this turns out. Maybe there’s a ripcord option to take some kind of drastic action with these addons inside of raids. Like others have said it will be up to Blizzard to make mechanics and encounters that people can figure out without those addons though. I have my doubts they’ll be able to get there without some major speedbumps along the way but we’ll see I guess.
I see posts from the devs like this and it makes me think that they want the raids to take longer to clear. They are probably looking at the number of AOTC guilds and the fact that there are 2+ months until the next season and brainstorming how they can keep players engaged for longer going forward.
If it takes 4 months on average to get AOTC instead of 2, they wound probably consider that a win. An easy way to do that is to disable the most helpful of addons and force players to work through it.
Idk I liked SWTOR it has some interesting options and the content in parts feels like some of the best Star Wars I’ve seen in years. But making choices that matter in a game like WoW based around high levels of competition in group play probably will never end well. Was still interesting to see how it would play out though.
If game designers wanted every mechanic to be easily telegraphed they’d do it. They started to stack CDs on different timers and there is no way a human can possibly can play near optimally with consistency. Thus topish end players rely upon a healthy dose of macros, cast sequences tied to pots/trinkets, addons, and AI. Today’s player is massively assisted by AI. I still cringe seeing all the AI generated warnings about mechanics.
If they were clever they’d make cast sequences useless, but then they’d totally enrage a large portion of their competitive gamers. Who often are often human assisted AI scripts these days.
Yeah it’s pretty strange to hear that from them. If they’ve always wanted to make bosses that don’t need weakauras then they should have pruned that addon functionality LONG ago.