I decided to finally do this thing today and after traveling all around the world got Baa’l and “waisted” my time till I got to Grimmy. Then I clicked his friend list on the table and when I clicked him I got no " It’s me, your friend. Got any secrets to tell me about?" optiom. Yes, Im using the same toon I got Baal with. Yes, I have the 4 pieces of gear equiped. Is this thing buged atm or something?
Video capture of the waist of time
I used this guide to get mine. If you get stumped, check the comments.
Was checking the comments and noticed someone saying the helmet needed to be green and not a procced blue which was my case. ty
YW. Whenever i have trouble with one of these secrets I usually check out Wowhead or the secrets discord.
I hate to be this person, but it’s “waste”. Not waist.
Still, good luck with Ba’al. He’s a huge ole’ pain in the booty.
Nope it’s actually Waist. Check the wowhead link.
For real? Dang. Is that some sort of cookie thing?
I’ve never heard of it before but the quest chain awards a belt with a clock in it. May have to give it a go.
That would explain it.
So much this! When I ran these quest chains I used the macros from the comments to check progress. Try it out, you might have missed something minor.
Totally worth it though! I have yet to put together a mog ensemble around the fabulous Waist of Time, but now that I have the appearance I feel like there’s no real rush