The Upset Over the Secret Jeremy Feasal Battle

It’s getting me down a little to be honest. FINALLY, the fact that I’ve worked to get all the secret pets is paying off in a major way for something really cool…and the general forum is full of people just enraged that they’re being forced to do something they feel is beneath them.

Listen, I’ve had to PvP to get pets I wanted. PvP!!

I…LOATHE…PvP. But I didn’t run around with my chest puffed out saying it was beneath my dignity or feel personally offended that I was being asked to do a few BGs to earn a reward I wanted.

The secrets in this game almost always involve pet rewards. Even the Waist of Time came with not one but TWO secret pets before you got to the belt.

Now that the secret reward is a mount and these folks finally see the secret-finding as something worth their time, they’re just happy to go in and crap all over it because they have to spend a few hours figuring out ONE pet battle and only THREE secret pets (several of which take literally less than five minutes to obtain with spoilers).


Thank you. I just needed to vent. I’m having a “how very dare you” sort of afternoon. It’s probably hormones.

Edited to add: I cannot WAIT to come up with new strats for this pet battle to post on Xu-Fu, and I really hope it’s repeatable so I can do that.


I was missing most of the pets that I saw were eligible. I ran around getting some of the easier ones. I got close enough on one attempt that it was down to who hit who first. I swapped one pet for another that was sitting on the bench and got it done on the next try.

Since then, I’ve designated one character to be my Pet Battler/Collector and I’ve been working on achievements and quests and leveling pets. I am trying to avoid getting caught in another situation where I feel like I’m using a limited pool of pets and have to play catch up. My four recent achievements as I post this are “Taming Draenor,” “Pro Pet Crew,” “I Choose You,” and “Taming Azeroth.”

Let’s frickin’ go!


I got into battle pets late in BfA. I was grinding rep for Mechagon and Naz’jatar, and I was missing out on (I think it was 250) reputation from the pet battle WQ’s in both zones because I had never done a single pet battle and didn’t know how to start. Those WQs in those zones were actually pretty difficult, so you had to know a little about it all to win them, and I knew nothing.

A guildie got me started with a garrison menagerie and gave me two leveled pets to help me out. I got hooked.

I have been working on pet battle achievements pretty much ever since. Several people on this forum have been incredibly kind at different points, giving me pets or giving me advice that made a huge difference.

I don’t know…I just think pets are one of the best parts of WoW.