The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Ah Coaxial my brother, I did not know it was you! :slight_smile:

I figure if they ever went toward playable creeps like Makrura, theyā€™d need to maybe change the tints or the spikes on their shells, maybe give them some hanging trinkets or something. They couldnā€™t wear normal armor so itā€™s either a long way off or they feel it wouldnā€™t be worth the trouble.

And youā€™re exactly right, hating on an AR you donā€™t like wonā€™t get you the one you do like.


This druid is my actual ā€˜mainā€™ though for bfa I actually main a paladin human for rep reasons. Lol.

I could see that. Iā€™m sure some bits of armor could be adapted. I would hope blizzard put a lot of time and effort into a race so un-humanoid so that we get something that stands up as it were. Probably a ways off Iā€™d agree.

Saurok though use the worgen model already, and it probably wouldnā€™t be too hard to create a female model.

I just hope they donā€™t have boobsā€¦ Reptiles should not have boobs.


So this. Whatever they may do, donā€™t do that. I liked the female Iksar head frills, that was an appropriate sexual dimorphism.


Well, we know there are some in the BfA areas, but yes, a location where a tribe of Saurok have evolved and formed a civilization of sorts in a future expansion area is the best chance. The only other thing I can think of is if Blizzard does something with one of the existing tribes by fleshing them out, giving them more intelligence, and other similar things.

Right now, weā€™ve seen the Brinescale (important for showing Saurok can work with other racesā€¦even if these in particular are pirates) in one of the Kul Tiras areas and also a few others as mooks for island expeditions in BfA. We know that Saurok are able to either be sea faring or swim great distances, thanks to the Deepscale tribe in the Pandaren starting area, so there can always be tribes we donā€™t know about somewhere.

I find the idea of not adding in one race because there is already one of that theme to be rather silly. Especially when we get multiples of races already that do have some differences, like with Night Elves and Blood Elves.

Saurok and Sethrak each have their own theme and aesthetics. Sethrak are a bit more orderly and have a different culture than that of the chaotic and savage Saurok. They would offer completely different things to story and gameplay. I see no reason why both couldnā€™t coexist as playable races, even if they were on the same faction.

Besides, we reptile fans need to stick together. :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:

This is why I hope that race megathreads continue to get support in general. There will be future expansions, and as I said before, BfA was a goldmine in marketing data in seeing what races people want playable. Itā€™s also a reason I try to keep up support for the Horde races I want playable (Ogres, Saurok, Sanā€™layn).

One of the earliest discussions I posted in here was about this very subject, especially with the Hearthstone artwork of a female Saurok. Itā€™s a reason Iā€™ve tried to show off how other MMORPGā€™s and RPGā€™s in general design their female lizardfolk races.

The Hearthstone image:

Here is the post where I talk about it some with some references and videos:

Whether they use the female Worgen model for female Saurok or make all new models for playable male and female Saurok is unclear. I could see either direction, myself. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I couldnā€™t agree more.

The hate between AR communities needs to die off. We should support one another, and shut down those within our communities who seek to harm others for their choice of AR.

Keep talking my friend. Iā€™ll keep supporting you and all the other ARā€™s I can. Everyone deserves their race and we all benefit from more choices in our characters.

I truly hope they go the route of no breasts for reptile races like the Saurok and Sethrak. Tortollan have males and females in game with no dimorphism either now I think on it.

Reptile Races for all! :snake::lizard::turtle:


While breasts on reptiles donā€™t make much sense keep in mind the mogu created the saurok with some weird flesh shaping blood magic. While natural evolution females probably wouldnā€™t have them because reptiles lay eggs. Thus defeating the purpose for breasts. Though considering mogu created sauroks I imagine they could be to blame for that design choice. That and it doesnā€™t seem completely ridiculous when you take into account they were designed by an intelligent race versus naturally evolving.


This would depend on how much control a user wielding flesh-shaping magic has or if itā€™s a process that works on its own. I tried to look up some information on flesh-shaping in general, but didnā€™t find much specific on that subject other than it stretches the skin, flesh, and bones. So far, I couldnā€™t find info on how much a wielder can shape another being using flesh shaping.

The whole point of the Mogu creating the Saurok was to have slave soldiers to help keep their territory. Since lizard population in the general area would dwindle as they created Saurok, I do wonder if they had plans to have the Saurok mate and take command of their offspring or if they were all just meant to be expendable army units while they just kept using flesh-shaping despite the possibility of extinction occurring.

Itā€™s hard for me to imagine Mogu adding features to female Saurok that didnā€™t exist beforehand. I feel like they would be too focused on creating a living weapon to suit their tyrannical needs to consider adding such impractical features. Thatā€™s just me, though.

Besides, there are plenty of ways to differentiate male and female lizardfolk in different media. Iā€™m sure something could be done for male and female Saurok. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I agree!
The only megathread that I donā€™t frequent is the High Elves, because Blizzard has already made it very clear that we will not see them as a playable race.

So until she dignifies herself to go public and say with the same clarity that we will not see a certain race, we have no reason not to declare our interest in sethraks, sauroks, taunkas, wolvar or even unusual murlocs.

Sethraliss doesnā€™t have mammary glands, so I donā€™t expect to see sethraks with ā€œextra baggageā€


Well today is my birthday, where I turned 34 years oldā€¦boy I feel old. Anyway, Iā€™m sure yā€™all can guess what my birthday wish was. :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :bat:

I did come across another Argonian character creation video, with this one being an Argonian Necromancer being created in Elder Scrolls Online. It shows a few different types of customization features for the head (although I still donā€™t care much for hair on reptiles) and some neat scale color patterns:

Thought I would link it here to inspire some Saurok customization option ideas. I did link some character creation videos of male and female Argonians in ESO and Skyrim near the beginning of this megathreadā€™s creation and was looking to see if I could find any from the other Elder Scroll games. I still have a bunch of research to do on Argonians in general in order to do a lizardman comparison post.

Edit: Well I had a video showing some funny RL lizards, but it seems to have been removed for some reason. Oh well. Iā€™ll keep an eye out for similar videos for future posts.

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Happy Birthday!

Hereā€™s a Peacock Day Gecko or Gold Dust Day Gecko enjoying a cheerio. :grin:


I agree that female Saurok donā€™t need mammalian breasts but I have noticed a lot of hearthstone artwork depicts female Saurok with breasts. While I have only seen one artwork of a female Sethrak with breasts.


The sad thing is that this type of customization shown in the argonian never existed in warcraft. :sob:

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It might be the particular style of the artists or something they have to come up with quickly to be able to have the cards created. The game did come out before Sethrak were a thing, so maybe something changed with them designing female reptilian races at some point.

Whatever the case, I did mention when I first talked about female Saurok that my intentions arenā€™t to insult these artists or be mad at them. Itā€™s moreso that I want to show that there is a way to design female lizardfolk without just plopping breasts on them.

If people want reptilian waifus, Blizzard can still appeal to them, but there are so many different ways to differentiate male and female lizardfolk that would make great customization options. Just putting breasts on a reptilian race doesnā€™t seem right and isnā€™t very creative, in my opinion.

Just how I view it, is all. As I find other character creator videos from different RPG games of female lizardfolk, Iā€™ll be sure to share them to inspire ideas. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Good news, everyone. I should hopefully be finished with college work for this semester by the end of the month, so free time should increase to post more frequently on here and other megathreads!

For this post, I went and logged onto one of my Horde Rogues in order to turn into a Saurok, via Glyph of Disguise, to take a few quick pictures imagining a newbie Saurok player character in a few places. Iā€™m actually been thinking of doing another screenshot story, similar to my Saurok ambassador story I did several posts ago, involving a newbie Saurok in the future, but Iā€™m still planning out the story.

Anyway, here are the pictures Iā€™ve taken so far!

A newbie Saurok in front of the Orgrimmar embassy. If they become an allied race, hopefully this will be a regular and real sight to see. I imagine newbie Saurok PCā€™s would have a bit more clothing on, though.

A newbie Saurok banking. Gotta have a place to store all the shinies from questing!

A newbie Saurok at the auction house. A reason I took this image was to show off a Saurok among other Horde PCā€™s of different races. I may do this with other Saurok models, specifically ones with more armor on.

Much to my surprise, Saurok appear to have a fishing animation. Itā€™s more than likely just related to them using the male Worgen animation, but still interesting to note. I imagine Saurok generally would prefer to jump in and grab or harpoon fish instead, but sometimes a lazy day of relaxing and fishing to cook later isnā€™t such a bad idea.

Finally, a newbie Saurok on an airship. We may have portals, but some areas still require ship traveling. Gotta feel like airborne royalty of the universe somehow.

That is all I have taken so far, but I will add taking more to my to-do list. I also want to take pictures in places like Thunderbluff to see how Saurok look in those areas. I think it really helps to actually see Saurok in Horde areas, even if player models may look differently if they get lucky enough to become a playable Horde race.

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


So I have been monitoring Shadowlands data mining for the last several days. Nothing Saurok related, not that I was expecting anything, but an interesting general change to allied race unlock requirements was found.

The only thing Iā€™ve seen so far is that allied races that are currently out may have the rep requirement to unlock them removed:

Itā€™s possible that this is just for BfA allied races, since weā€™re moving on to another expansion. Iā€™m not sure if this would mean that future allied races wouldnā€™t have a rep requirement going forward, but it is possible future allied races may just require finishing a storyline quest chain.

Iā€™m of the opinion that we will see more allied races in the future, as well as core races. It might be awhile before we see any more allied races, and the rate we get them will slow down, but I feel that itā€™s a good system to be able to add in new races that may not have a chance of being playable otherwise.

Core races also still have a decent chance of occurring with future expansions and have their place in the game. They are a great marketing boost and one of the top features players would get excited for. It also makes a great pre-order bonus as well, and some races would get a lot more love and care as a core race compared to being an allied race.

Even though it may be awhile before we see new playable races, I still plan to support my most wanted races as best as I can and I hope others continue to do the same. Iā€™ve said this in a few other threads, but say what you will about BfA, but it did bring people together in supporting their most wanted races to become playable. Several communities formed and Iā€™ve met some awesome people through them, and Iā€™d hate to see people give up and feel hopeless. Even if Saurok still have a low chance, Iā€™ll do the best I can to support them and other races I want as playable allied or core races. I consider the march for them more of a marathon than a sprint, so Iā€™m going to be in it for the long haul. As I said before, Iā€™m thankful for those that post here to support Saurok, so thank you!

On the subject of Saurok, I did take a couple pictures via Glyph of Disguise. Iā€™ve been trying to find a Saurok mob with armor on of some kind to take pictures of how well Saurok look among Horde players, though the model I used for my Saurok ambassador story was a bit tall. I tried another one that seemed to be not too big and I still towered over others. In fact, I took one in front of the Zandalariā€™s Great Seal area and wellā€¦

I feel like Iā€™m slowly turning into Godzilla at this rate. Iā€™ll have to hunt to see if there is a smaller Saurok model with armor on in the near future.

On another note, I did find that Saurok do have a stealth animation, which I assume is the male Worgen sealth animation:

Iā€™ll have to think of some other animations to test to see if they are there or not. Itā€™ll be for fun, of course, as I doubt it means much of anything. Saurok are missing several animations, but they do have several of them still.

Also, since Iā€™m at three posts in a row, if someone could reply, I would appreciate it as Iā€™m assuming the forumā€™s setting of not being able to post in a thread three times in a row is still in effect. Otherwise, Iā€™ll have to edit this post with future findings.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is doing ok. Stay safe and keep supporting the races you want playable!

As always, more Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I hope its not a just bfa ARā€™s thing. In my opinion they always should have been story unlocks with no rep or with honored or Revered at worst.

On a side note I also support the idea that Heritage armor and a short story to engage the lore of the race involved should be a lower level thing. I know the point is to get you to level new toons but it seems odd to go through so much to finally learn anything about your core race.

I Digress.

I imagine blizz will likely give us some more Core races in time. Though, Zandalari, and Kulā€™Tirans show that Allied Races can have just as much effort and work put into them as the Draenei and Blood Elves did when they released, and arguably more than what Worgen and Goblins got at their launch.

I totally agree with you. Its important to continue supporting our favored races so Blizzard sees how interested in them we are. To give up now would be premature.

I thought there was one on the Isle where the Wind Serpents are? You might try thereā€¦ though hes probably big tooā€¦

That is indeed the male Worgen Stealth. :stuck_out_tongue: My Worgen is a rogue.

Done and done. :smiley:

Saurok for the Horde! :lizard:


The rep grind is definitely a valid criticism of allied races. While I can understand that you would need to get a faction to like you in order to get them to join, I do think it was designed as a time sink to keep players busy between patches. Itā€™s also a bit detrimental to people who have to make a character, who could be a throw-away one, just for the sole purpose of grinding out the achievement unlocks.

I grew up on Everquest and grinding faction, which could take longer than WoW rep grinding, so it didnā€™t bother me too much, but I do see the arguments against rep grinding for allied races.

My line of thinking was that with core races, there would be more time given to work on them as opposed to potentially rush allied races to meet a patch deadline. Currently, Nightborne still have some issues with their playable models, for example.

As for Zandalari and Kul Tirans, they were primarily created from the ground up (though some other playable race skeletons were utilized from my understanding), though it did cause some delays of the patch they would debut in because of it. If theyā€™re slowing down on the release of allied races, then my hope is that any that they make from the ground up would get worked in the background to be ready for whatever patch they would appear in.

Whatever races do become playable in the future, allied or core, I just donā€™t want them rushed out and would rather they take the time they need to be fleshed out instead. For example, Saurok and Sethrak could get customization options based on different species of lizards/snakes with some neat custom animations that really show off their personalities.

That is actually where I went to, since I knew the gladiators in Freeport were bigger than usual. Seems like the Saurok with armor on for the most part are bigger than the other Saurok without any, whether theyā€™re named or not. Iā€™ll still look around, as I havenā€™t tried any with the armor that has a ring instead of the banner.

If theyā€™re all too big, Iā€™ll just make lemonade out the lemons I found and figure something out. :smiley:

I also had these pop in my Youtube recommendations list, involving the shovel-snouted lizard. Whats neat about them is that theyā€™re fast, have a neat digging ability, and also have to do a dance in order to stay alive on the hot desert terrain:

Not sure how important dancing would be to Saurok in general, but at the very least itā€™s more real life lizard facts to help inspire Saurok ideas! :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I also really like the Saurok too. And in regards to them adding more than one reptilian race, they donā€™t have to be on the same faction.

And as for Mogu possibly givng reptiles breasts. They either did it by accident, it came about as a side effect of the flesh crafting or it was intentional (Thunder King wad a scallie?)

Also do you think they used Saurolisks as the base?


They donā€™t, sure, but having one reptilian race on one faction should not mean no other reptilian race can join that faction also. Especially considering we have multiple elves on both factions that look differently and have different cultures and themes.

Saurok and Sethrak make a great contrast to each other to be on opposite factions, but they would work together just fine if they were on the same faction. Theyā€™re different species, different cultures, different themes, and different personalities. I see Sethrak as more orderly and Saurok as more chaotic, for example. Theyā€™d both make great playable races. :snake: :crocodile:

Itā€™s possible. I looked at the tamable animals on Pandaria, and aside from crocolisks and mushans, there arenā€™t really any other lizards on there unless there are any weak critters you usually find in most areas. Since Saurok were created when the mists around Pandaria were up, itā€™s possible that the Mogu gathered all the lizards in the area to turn them into Saurok, so itā€™s unclear what native species were used unless somehow they were able to import lizards at some point.

Itā€™s also possible they used multiple types of lizards, seeing as some have features like frills. Since some Saurok did escape through the mists and also left it after the mists dissipated, we donā€™t really know what other lizard types were used in their creation.

Saurolisks make sense, but my opinion is that multiple lizard types were used. It would offer a lot of customization options for playable Saurok if it were true. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Still hoping to see playable Saurok at some point! There should be more focus on races already in the game that people have been wanting for Allied Races like this as opposed to the random undead out-of-nowhere races popping up. Iā€™m in the minority but I support things like Saurok & Sethrak way more than those ones. Sadly it seems like shiny new stuff is more appealing to most than lore already established in the game, which is a shame.