The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m not asking you to “buy” anything.

I have pointed out concrete reasons why those excuses don’t hold water. If you don’t agree, then counter them logically. If you can’t, then bow out gracefully.

So far, no one on your side has been able to or to come up with any new arguments.


She is isn’t going to except them, we’ve been discussing them for months. :roll_eyes:


Your personal theories on what Is being said, is just that. It’s your interpretation it doesn’t make it right, or mean you debunked anything, moving on. I have no intentions of crushing your dream, Blizzard can do that just fine without me.


As I said, the High Elves don’t have to look identical to Blood Elves just because they use the same model and hairstyles that Blood Elves use.

Think about it. Why would Blizzard make unique hairstyles and idle stance for High Elves back then when they didn’t have to because they didn’t need to.

Fast forward several years and allied races are now a thing. New hairstyles and an idle stance can differentiate the High Elves from the Blood Elves without requiring any sort of physiological or magical excuse, to give a highly requested race to the Alliance.

I am fairly sure you’re an intelligent person Lydon. I’m confident you know full well that just because they look the same because they had no reason to spend extra resources back then, doesn’t mean they couldn’t make some changes now that they DO have a reason.


So you can’t actually counter my arguments. Got it.


If it helps you to sleep at night, you go right on thinking that.


can you tell us what happened in those thousands of years beyond the troll wars which in retrospect are nothing more than a footnote for quel’thelas?

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I disagree. I’m really tired of this circular non-sense, they must understand what we’re asking for, and stop using the “race” straw man argument.

Yes, I am conscious it is against the rules. Feel free to flag my post - I repeat; talking to them like a normal person does nothing, as they don’t care about any of our arguments and even argue against points we never even said. So if me getting silenced 24 hours means they finally understand we never said they’re different races biologically and lets us move on with the debate? So be it.

I have tact with people who deserve it - people who troll, insult us or keep beating the same drum to counter arguments we never even said, nope, sorry. I’ve been patient long enough already.

My caps, however, wasn’t meant as a yelling or anything - it was meant as a wakeup call. If they want to participate in this thread, they must counter real arguments, not straw man arguments like “helf and belfs are the same race”.

Being different does not mean they’re biologically different races. It’s also been explicit several times already that many of us helfers use “race” just like blizz does - as a synonym for “faction”. I mean, what is the literal meaning of “allied race”? It doesn’t make sense, it’s just a way of saying “a subfaction of a faction”.


WoW doesn’t even cover a timespan of 10 years let alone 20.

They did spend extra resources. They consistently made new textures for the faces and skins High Elves use, marked as NPC only skin options akin to Dark Rangers.

If they wanted or had any interest in making them divergent physically (which without any lore or story reason would be completely arbitrary anyway), they could have simply stopped updating them and they’d look different that way.

But they intentionally kept making High Elves look exactly like Blood Elves and updated both models in tandem.

High Elves won’t look different enough from Blood Elves by striking a pose and getting a new hairdo.

You want to know how different a High Elf has to be from a Blood Elf for Blizzard to add them as playable on the other faction?

Take a look in the mirror, or go ask Kul’tirans how different they had to look.


Kul Tirans, in lore, have always looked like Humans.

High/Blood Elves have always looked like pale Night Elves in game. Even Sylvanas was a Night Elf in Vanilla.

I’m really, really tired of these circular arguments.

You antis keep saying its us who keep this thread alive but in reality it’s you who keep bumping this thread with the same old arguments we’ve already debunked HUNDREDS of times.

It’s really tiring. I’m just going to mute this and have a day or two away from this thread.

Congratulations, antis, you’ve done it.

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as I have pointed out time and again half elves are high elves as far as what we are asking to be made playable is concerned. That is what the group sees themselves as even if they may have mixed heritage.

Bring on the Half Elves. Seems to be the only thing either side can agree on as being a good idea after tens of thousands of posts, in both this thread and mine, anyway.

I actually remember Nico being on board with this until Wanobi flipped out as usual and ruined the mood.

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You want to know how different a High Elf has to be from a Blood Elf for Blizzard to add them as playable on the other faction?

Take a look in the mirror, or go ask Kul’tirans how different they had to look.

I think we can convince the devs that Void Elf and Kul Tiran extremes aren’t necessary to make Alliance High Elves playable. And if the game shuts down and we fail to do so, at least we can say we tried our best.

But we won’t see the conclusion of this topic until either we actually get playable High Elves (or in my case, Half Elves if done right), or the game shuts down. I’ve made that abundantly clear many times.

This subject will continue for the foreseeable future… or until Blizz finally makes playable Alliance High Elves.


Game turns 15 this year. Every year since I started this game is another year some form of High Elf request has been made.

While this one is the most recent, and the loudest, due to the prospect of Allied races making additions easier, I don’t think it’d be out of character for Blizz to just do what they’ve done since TBC and ignore the minority of players asking for the minority of high elves to be made playable.

It’s worked for them this long, and hasn’t prevented them from using High Elves in game here and there.

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This is true. Assuming they were done right, I would accept Half Elves. But that’s just me and I can’t speak for anyone else who is seeking playable Alliance High Elves. While its conjecture on my part, I personally believe that, while it wouldn’t appease every High Elf fan, if done right, Half Elves would appease enough to kill this topic.

The issues I see with Half Elves stem from both the High Elf fan side and the Developer side.

On the High Elf Fan side, its yet another attempt to appeal to them without actually giving what was asked for. I think Half Elves would have been better received by High Elf fans had they come instead of Void Elves. But since we can’t go back in time, its a harder sell.

On the dev side, for them to make Half Elves they are going to have to do more work than I believe they want to. Much like they had to for Kul Tirans, though less extreme.

Basically they’d have to take the Thalassian model as a base and modify it to incorporate more human characteristics. Then, if they want to differentiate them futher, they’d have to make entirely new animations which I believe is probably a hard sell for Blizzard, since allied races were supposed to be quick and cheap to implement.

They could cheap out and use the Thalassian model and animations as is with shorter ears, unique hairstyles and idle stance, but then I think some of your side would complain that they look too much like Blood Elves.

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a compromise implies that both sides it was meant to meet halfway between got a little of something they wanted.

void elves are the opposite of a compromise doing the exact thing both sides don’t want.

The pro side don’t want blood elves on the alliance and the anti side don’t want to lose their blood elf culture and identity. That is exactly what void elves did.


Hey I’m all for giving them the Nightborne treatment. Awesome in game model, that they cannot wait to play.
Yet they get these hideously awful models lacking any sort of customization.
It doesn’t matter if they’re gauntband homely, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Off for the day enjoy your debating :grin:

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Taking spiteful to a whole new level.


If Arator ever does anything significant (child of Light and Shadow, anyone?) they can just give him a unique model and work it off of that.

Dragons have also appeared as half elves, so it would also be a boon to use for some of them also.

With that, I’m done for the evening. Night/Morning.

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