The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The 2006 joke about the GCD being added for all spells and abilities was the meme of last year.

i was thinking of faction changing my hunter to Blood/high elf and using blamaras mog :thinking:

Ooh. That hasn’t aged well.

Man I sometimes can’t believe this discussion is still going from a year ago… on almost every social media platform.

…are you referring blood elves as high elves? That is so insulting and degrading to blood elves on so many levels.


38 Megathreads and counting.

It’s mindblowing really.

I think most VE players would have loved to have tattoos, and certainly a lot hoped to look like Alleria instead of blue dipped elves.

But yeah, the Alleria aesthetic is something I really wished we could have, it just gives me all those War2 elves feels, and that is my JAM.


tbf, its mostly memes

oh so you now admit to understanding why i feel so passionate about “muh models”(sanctity of the blood elves/quel’thalas)

Man I love your art style.

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no??? Comparing a blood elf to a high elf is the most insulting thing you can do towards a blood elf.

High elves are so filthy and disgusting. Mating with lesser races and abandoning their nation.

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Humans are hot. What can we say?

You can think what you want but their actions and how they have acted in the past on many many occasions proves otherwise…even up to and including patch 8.1.5 and there is no denying it no matter how much YOU have it in your head there is no bias because you want to believe Blizzards public stance on it.


Then do it? Live your best life!

But you know you can just call then Blood Elves, sticking the “high” in there is hilariously unnecessary. Although you are the person that gets confused when people say they want to play as High Elves, so maybe you do need the context.

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Except “your models” don’t belong to you. Or the Horde for that matter. They belong to Blizzard- and they can use them however they want to use them.


I don’t think Blizzard has Horde favoritism or bias, but I do think they are out of touch with what Alliance players want.


Thank you! drawing armors is my jam too XD!

thanks i really appreciate that

and in the words of the wise Bob Ross; happy painting

I think I shared your High Elf model concepts a hundred times across many platforms.

I’m sure an implementation would be difficult, but your design was flawless


i play both factions. and we dont need alliance high/blood elves to be playable. especially with void elves now