The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

It uses words like “mature” when it comes into a thread where it knows it won’t be welcomed with it’s negativity because it’s own thread has gained no traction and it needs it’s voice to be heard.

It wants to create debate because it can’t stand the thought of something it doesn’t want being added to the game even though other people would rejoice for it.

And yes I use “it” because I’m past of the point of thinking there’s anything human or normal about people who come into a thread like this for the express purpose of trying to derail discussions on something that clearly a lot of people would enjoy when they, themselves, have NO interest in it. That type to toxic, entitled, negative mentality is a cancer that spreads beyond the walls of this forum and I’m personally done trying to understand or tolerate it.

The mere fact that the new clarion call is “then change the name of the thread” just speaks to the actual immaturity it and others like it display when they come in with the same, old, tired arguments.


That Void Elves are popular doesn’t dismiss the point that was being made that Blizzard appear tone-deaf to what the Alliance was asking for in terms of Allied Races in a way that they weren’t towards the Horde.

This isn’t to say the Horde Allied Races aren’t without their problems, but broadly speaking the list of races the Horde got were considerably more in line with what the community was actually requesting. Overall, the Alliance Alllied Races don’t appear to have that same consideration for what players actually want or have been asking for.

How highly you value that will vary from individual to individual, but I’d argue that, in an expansion where the topic of faction favouritism (regardless of your own personal feelings on the topic) has reached boiling point, I’d argue that now more than ever, appearances do matter.


Lol, are you insinuating replying to points you’re making is somehow off topic of “de-railing”? I can set my personal distaste for High Elves mostly aside until someone says something as hypcritical as:

Imagine saying something like this and then paying somebody real money for the ability to play a race you by your own admission find unenjoyable.


The addition of High Elves would be enjoyable. It has nothing to do with Void Elves. I have never once called for the removal of Void Elves and have also posted that there are people who are enjoying them and I am happy for it. Anything that makes people happy in the game, I will also support because then the game continues as people keep playing.

That’s what adults do: they don’t go looking to shoot people’s dreams in the foot, they don’t go looking for reasons to crap on things people get excited about. They say “Not for me but cool, enjoy, you do you and we’ll both go our merry ways.”

Once again, it picks and chooses it’s own narrative. It makes me feel bad for it. At least this time it didn’t ADD words to the quote.

I think it needs to show us where the High Elf touched it on the doll and we can work towards healing it.


OK, Aedrid, I appreciate your contributions, but you’re really sparking the tinder here, and I don’t want things to get too out of hand. Please tone it down a bit.


As you request, m’lord. Just know it comes from a place of absolute frustration as I grow weary of a world where people seem more interested in spreading negativity than encouraging others. I see the hole that creates as I was becoming that negative person as well so I digress and shall now ignore the trolls and focus on the positive.


I understand completely, but I really don’t think adding fuel to the fire is the best way to handle things. There really isn’t a good way to handle it except leave it alone and hope the other party loses interest.

Oh, and don’t call me m’lord. :sweat_smile: I appreciate the politeness, but I’m not ranked above anyone here. It was just a request.


Is there any love or care put into them or any lore reason why Redeemed or Junker should exist? I seen more passion and effect for High Elves and other Allied Races that do deserve to be on the spotlight than two reskin races that no one wants.

Stop trying to have a higher opinion than us or acting like people who do care like High Elves and etc shouldn’t get the support.


I can’t imagine it’s an easy decision. though. There probably are people who would like to play a Junker Gnome or a Redeemed. Are there LOTS of people? Maybe, maybe not … but likely some people.

I want those people to enjoy the game and if they’d enjoy those races then I hope they get to play them.

That being said, I don’t see any “Junker Gnome” or “Redeemed” mega threads … hardly any threads on those two races at all.

At this point I’m looking at it from a supply/demand perspective. Give the Alliance a race it can get excited about. A race it’s been wanting for years. If there is going to be time, energy, and resources put into a new Allied Race for the Alliance, why not invest in a race that you KNOW is going to be popular … that you KNOW people are going to play … that you KNOW is going to bring in money for race changes and maybe even a few faction changes … that people will slog through the painful leveling process to get the heritage armor for or even just to enjoy playing the race through to max level?

I don’t think it will be this expansion. I think we may get better customization for Velfs, Nightborne, HM Tauren, and LF Dranei before BfA is done. What I HOPE/WISH is that they use Allied/new races as an incentive for the next expansion and High Elves are made available to unlock the way Void Elves were in Legion.


You know there can be a middle ground there, right? People can find some level of enjoyment (in whatever amount and for whatever reason) in using a certain race and still find their implementation utterly lacking and have a list of problems they would like to see addressed. The fact that someone is playing on a given race doesn’t somehow disqualify them from having opinions or issues with it.

I mean, shoot, from that perspective, why should Blizzard care about improving any race in the game or addressing any complaints the player base might have about any of them, they rolled the character and in some cases maybe even race changed to them, clearly that must mean they’re 100% satisfied forever, right?


I think you’ve identified one of the issues: I think the players are way more invested in the idea of Allied Races than the people developing them.

They came up with the idea to make money or incentivize the players or even just to add a new feature that fit into the theme of the expansion.

Then things like “Oh wait! We’re going to hold off on giving you Zandalari and instead we’ll throw some alternate universe Orcs we didn’t plan on adding into the game.”

I can enjoy being a Void Elf until High Elves come along. I’ve told myself that it fits thematically to be a frost mage. My skin is white like ice, the void is a cold, dark place … I’ve even been able to fit in my recent return to the Alliance as fitting the theme of being a Blood Elf who’s defected to the Alliance. If i were truly into RP I think i’d be in heaven right now.

… and that’s the rub for me: I was excited about Void Elves when they were announced. Even when the models were revealed and I saw there were no close-to-flesh skin tones and mogging them would be difficult, I still wanted to play one.

Then the intro story hit. All they were willing to invest in the implementation of them was a 5 min questline and BANG! We’re in the Alliance.

Highmountain, Nightborne, Lightforged … all had entire zones dedicated to them. They couldn’t give Void Elves more than a 5 min quest line which made NO sense and banked on the idea that all we wanted was a Thallasian model to play and the want for High Elves would dissipate.


The irony here is I’m not the one being negative, nor am I trolling. I share a position opposite to most of this thread regarding High Elves, generally, without being needlessly disrespectful or overt about it. I’m not asking for your friendship, but you can quit being purely confrontational and disrespectful.

If you’re at the point you’re stooping to subbing in generic pronouns when addressing me as some snub, you might as well just save your effort and ignore what I say.

As for the real topic:
I guess I would ask how you would have implemented Void Elves, if you knew you wanted to deliver a race and fantasy that was purely new. I don’t understand the hatred of Void Elf lore purely for being young and new. That doesn’t devalue it or make it invalid to me. If anything it’s ripe for any number of things.

That said, I can’t help but see the hypocrisy in a thread eagerly discussing possibilities for new High Elf lore (to bring them things like Druids or Shamans, for example) while simultaneously shaming Void Elves new lore as a bad thing. It just looks like invented reasons to arbitrarily give negative connotations to the race, despite many, many people, of this thread in particular, rolling them anyway.

The big problem is that it was clearly rushed. Outside Alleria (who is a High Elf with void powers) the first time we encounter a “real” Void elf is during the recruitment scenario.

Maybe if they had been part of the expansion prior and we had gotten to know them before the scenario it wouldn’t have felt “last minute.” Their “home area” is just a bunch of floating rocks in the void with a few tents.

Like I said, maybe establish them earlier, give them a proper home (outside thier rocky void tent area) and give them some more “named” NPC’s of note that give them more flavor. Magister Umbric is pretty much the entire face of the race. Maybe give him some recurring lieutenants or something to bounce conversations off of.

Just… flesh them out more. Thats what I would do/would’ve done.


I checked my character selection screen and still don’t see any real High Elf options. C’mon Blizz!


Sorry Lydon. Out of respect for the people that created this thread and what most everyone else comes in here for, I’m done engaging with you. For good. I can’t do it without condescension and disdain so I’m not going to do it at all.

You’ll have to get your much cherished debate from someone else. Peace.


I have made every possible argument for High Elves in the past and debunked every anti-High elf claim as well, so I won’t go into all of that again.

I just wanted to hop in here and say that while I might not have the energy for all this debate anymore, I am glad to see so many people still fighting for the addition of playable High Elves. Keep up the good work everyone!


I mean, one of the reasons we can even have a bunch of Allied Race options is that Blizzard doesn’t have to dump much dead development time on making a fully fleshed starting zone or central hub. Yeah, Void Elves “only” have Telgorus, but so too do Nightborne “only” have the repurposed outdoor phase of the Nighthold. Lightforged “only” have the Vindicaar.

I fully believe Void Elves weren’t the original plan, and that Broken or High Elves were, but I don’t think we’d have seen a huge amount more effort in these areas even if it wasn’t Void Elves. I agree they could use more notable NPCs, but they are described as a small, crack elite squad, for now (until they develop more of the foreshadowing they’ve discussed regarding expanding their ranks).

They’re front and center in BfA’s conflicts and invasions, and I’m sure they’ll only get more story from here.

Fair enough. That’s probably for the best if you really can’t keep your scorn in check.

I mentioned this in one of the old threads, but I still feel like there was a huge missed opportunity to involve Umbric in the Nightborne campaign. It would give us a chance to get to know him before his bit in the AR recruitment quest. Seed in some grumblings about the place of Blood Elves among the Horde/Alliance dynamic and give us a chance to watch him start to take interest in the Void. Could have even involved him in the Star Augur encounter to highlight his fascination with the powers on display.

Really there’s a lot they could have done to seed the race a lot better and make them feel more substantial, but that always stuck out to me as a really easy start.

But the likelihood is that Void Elves weren’t even planned that far back so there weren’t any thoughts about laying groundwork like that for them. Which sort of gets to the heart of the problem a lot of us have.


I can see your point. But let’s play hypothetical here. Once they realized they liked what they had, and wanted to move forward with it, and acknowledging they were clearly late in a in already short development cycle for BFA, what would you have done?

Would you have held them off for later? Not delivered them at all?

To me the starting lore point doesn’t matter if you can build it up along the way. I’m sure Void Elves lack of setup was not intended and was a side effect of being a late addition, but if they continue to build on their flavor, will it matter an expansion from now?

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I believe making High Elves playable gives a motivation for the devs to work on Alleria, mainly by changing her looks so she doesn’t look like a stranger among her race and don’t cofuse players wether she is a Void Elf or a High Elf, all of this is considered in a scenario were both are playable and Blizzard might need to draw lines and define which race each character belong, they obviously give more attention to playable races than unplayable ones.
Also, one thing i want is to have Alleria more involved with the Ren’dorei, all she did was saving them in the recruit scenario and after that Umbric took all the spotlight while she’s sitting on a boat, hopefully she will integrate more with the Void Elves, becoming more important to them and… just looking like them. Of course the bad side of this is that she would lose her sick High Elf Ranger looks, but this is fine when you can make a High Elf the same sick Ranger looks, or having Vareesa with them, so you have a racial leader proprely looking like the rest of the race.

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