The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yeah, i’m posting with a Void Elf, so i’m not allowed to ask for High Elves, i’m defeated, good argument.


Speaking of Worgen, man…Gilneas. Talk about a wasted zone and city.

That thing needs a Warfront, or something, just to see the lovely place used again. Even the Gilneas BG doesn’t touch the city proper.


Nobody said you’re not allowed to play Void Elf and still want High Elf.

I’m specifically pointing out it looks silly to decry Void Elves as a design choice and complain about them, then go pay to play one, by subscription or by race change.

The fact that i criticize how the Void Elves were brought and their poor development and introduction on top of being released instead of a simpler and more organic Allied Race doesn’t imply that i hate the race itself.
It’s not the first time people explained why they play Void Elves, you shouldn’t made a argument directed at the Race of the poster and expect to win anything.


That’s fair, but again, it doesn’t make a strong case that it was a bad choice by Blizzard. They delivered a product that the Alliance ate right up, and continue to enjoy, you included.

Whether you did so begrudgingly or with some hangups I think doesn’t matter, really.

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What about Blizzard delivering a product that the Alliance will consume without a doubt?
By this logic, why not.


Void Elves are what Worgen should have been, a darker and more sinister aspect of the Alliance that isn’t as nice or “stereotypically heroic” but more of an anti-hero. The devs themselves even said that’s what they would be, but it never came to pass, likely because Cataclysm was a massive bomb of an expansion that failed to live up to expectations.

Worgen should have been the Alliance’s shadow-themed race, as well, because their very first iteration as a concept was in vanilla and most of their NPC’s used shadow magic. It was even part of their lore that shadow was natural to them and they darkened the land by their very presence, all cool concepts that were retconned by the devs for whatever reason.

I doubt it will be a warfront, who will their rival be? Should be Forsaken, but they are already used up as a rival for Night Elves. I guess that leaves Goblins or Blood Elves, I’m sure Blizzard could make up some weird justification for them wanting to take Gilneas, likely strongarmed by Forsaken into doing it while they focus on Darkshore.

Otherwise, it’ll probably just be part of the heritage armor quest-line.


That’s one reason why I want High Elves, so all the people playing Void Elves just to pretend to be High Elves and not really actually be a true Void Elf can move over to them. I’m not one to tell people what they should or shouldn’t be, but Void Elves really should be played by people who genuinely find them appealing and fascinating and not because they were a compromise.


Yes, another example of a dark race in the Alliance.

The Alliance has plenty of sources for “darkness”, the thing is that Blizzard just pays no big attention to the faction.

Just look at BfA itself. The Horde got the entirety of Uldir for itself, then the Vol’jin questline in 8.0, the Saurfang story in 8.1, the continuation of Vol’jin questline in 8.1, and so on.

What did the Alliance get?

When 8.1 was announced, we were told we would get Saurfang, Tyrande and Vol’jin stories. I expected Saurfang to be for both factions, Tyrande for Alliance and Vol’jin for Horde. Instead, only Tyrande was for the Alliance, while all three (even Tyrande’s!) was seen by the Horde.

I appreciate the attention Jaina is getting, as well as the 8.0 Alliance campaign mixing a lot of races. I like that Genn stepped up as a leader. But you just don’t see the Alliance being explored as the Horde is.


Because Void Elves did a lot of what High Elves cannot do, as is (spare me the potential “could be” statements):
Void Elves introduce truly new stuff.
Void Elves introduce a dark side to Alliance.
Void Elves allow artists/designers to go wild with customization.
Void Elves allow more important conflict with Blood Elves without looking nearly identical.
Void Elves bring the Thalassian model with a spin that keeps them from infringing on Blood, or High, Elves aesthetically.
Void Elves give players a true Void/Shadow themed and centered race, previously only enemy factions like Twilight’s Hammer could do.

They chose to be as beneficial as possible while taking away a lot of the cons High Elves would bring.

Aside from upsetting the subset of frequenters in this thread (and even many of those adopted Void Elves), it was almost a pure win for Blizzard here, from a big picture standpoint.

You say that, and yet I’m surrounded by High Elf fans, playing Void Elves insisting it was a pure snub.

You need to stop with this.

The fact that High Elf fans might be playing Void Elves is IRRELEVANT.

Void Elves are cool. But they do not fulfill the High Elf fantasy being sought. If High Elf fans are playing Void Elves in the meantime that has nothing to do with the fact that we still want High Elves or that we felt “snubbed” when we got something we didn’t ask for instead of High Elves.

Had Void Elves been introduced after High Elves I’d wager few if any High Elf fans would have had anything negative to say. That some High Elf fans are playing Void Elves till we get High Elves does not mean they can’t still be upset at getting Void Elves in place of High Elves.


It’s not irrelevant if you guys keep insisting they were an awful implementation, weak lorewise, and brought in poorly, or insist that High Elves would’ve been more successful. That’s the crap that is irrelevant. The fact is, you play them regardless.

So it comes off that either lore, story, implementation, or some combo of these isn’t -that- important to you when you still continue to pay to play the race.

If you complain about your food, but pay for and eat it anyway, does it matter?

Blizzard got your race change or sub money with Void Elves anyway, without pissing off the majority Blood Elf players by giving you a near copy of their race in High Elves. If you think that’s a point not worth speaking about I guess that tells me all I need to know.


And i could write a big wall of text on how High Elves do a lot of things Void Elves cannot do, including satisfying those players who always wanted to play them and not a Void addled Blood Elf.
Say how you like Void Elves, they don’t fit High Elf fantasy, they don’t appeal people who look for this thematic, if people like Void stuff they can play Void Elves (or just play a shadow priest of any race), doesn’t matter, this doesn’t turn High Elves any less invalid as a potential Allied Race.
Back to the point: Why not make High Elves a playable race if they are are their own thing and many people demanded them for years?


Well, you eat crap or you die, unless you find a better food option.
Same thing here.

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The worst part is Blizzard has plenty opportunities to course correct and please the fans, the Night Warrior concept is a perfect way to redirect Worgen back to being darker by making their lore associated with Elune’s darker aspect, just like they’re doing with Night Elves.

They just choose not to, for whatever reason, maybe they just want Void Elves to have all the shadow magic and none of the other reasons. Same reason Dark Iron don’t seem to have any shadow users active in the story at all and are mostly fire-themed Shaman or Warriors. I don’t like that direction since I think it leaves them with little to relate to other Alliance races with. They’d make great comrades with Worgen or Dark Irons for having a similar idea about magic as them, but of course that goes against Blizzard’s habit of making the world smaller.


I’m still wondering what the point behind it, really. I guess we will find it on 8.2, since the night elves will get some big role (or so Blizzard said)…


You’re telling me Void Elves are the best food you can find in the Alliance right now? After all you’ve said personally about their weak lore and story?

I guess it depends on what really matters to you, which I’m going to go out on a limb and assume by all the Void Elves in here, is aesthetics and looks, like pretty much the majority of us as players.

I pay to play World of Warcraft because i like to play World of Warcraft.


None of those things has anything to do with us wanting High Elves. Why don’t you get it?

Void Elves were an asspull out of nowhere. Their lore is weak as hell. They had no presence prior to unlocking. None of that is contestable. It’s also not irrelevant because Void Elves could have been implemented much better than they were. The fact that they took the place of the race we actually asked for was just insult to injury.

I’m confident that High Elves damn well would have been more successful than Void Elves. Blizz would have gotten my race change money from void elves even after we got High Elves because I didn’t race change every toon to Void Elf and I wouldn’t race change every toon to High Elf so stop trying to think you’re clever. You aren’t.

I guarantee you if we get High Elves they will be more successful than Void Elves. No question.


We’re seeing division in the Alliance with Night Elves and Humans, and obviously in the Horde with Sylvanas and Saurfang/Baine.

It does point that they may be moving the races away from one another to set up blowing up the faction divide.

This part of a recent Polygon interview stuck out to me:

In Battle for Azeroth , the developers are getting away from grand space opera theatrics and broad strokes and into grittier territory. So far, there have been some wins: Zones like Drustvar and Nazmir have been intriguing stories set in gorgeous setpieces. There have also been raging controversies, like the one around Warbringers: Sylvanas. So far, one of the biggest challenges the writers have is dealing with a world that is hard-locked into two factions.