The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I feel like Sylvanas is going Queen of the Undead eventually, and maybe a future expansion is about us teaming up with the Lich King to stop her from conquering the Frozen Throne and taking the Helm of Domination for herself…

I thought the same thing with Sira Moonwarden…

It annoys me that the villain of the Darkshore battlefront is an Alliance Ally…

But it gives both factions a chance to have Wardens.

I don’t think she’s gonna stop with undead until everyone is undead. Like Rommanath she wants everyone to think the way she does and everyone else is wrong

Speaking for Nyshant, it’s so weird that they resized the Night Elf arms. but not their shoulderpads. Shal’dorei are like 90% Shoulderpads.

Also I’ve killed so many wildhammer dwarves and they aren’t dropping

and I like Wildhammer Dwarves. Ugh.

Silgryn’s face appears slim due to the chin plate, which enlongates his head. This is why chin plate should be treated like part of customization and not tied to the heritage armor’s chest. Just make it be like a beard, disabled when we use certain helms.

They adjusted shoulder pads for males a little in 8.0, but yes, they need to adjust them more. Also, males’ leg armor geosets are still night elf-sided, which makes them really big for their thinner legs.

The gauntness of the face did not translate.

Player ears are also way way too thick. I’ve linked it before, but my Nightborne rant thread is this way:

I know some of you like Alamara have posted there already.

If you wanna play good-looking purple elves without misleading NPCs, the Alliance is waiting for you…

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At least the horde has an option

I’ve said it before, maybe more than once, but I really hope we will see improvements to allied races, and maybe even to main races, in 8.2.

Since the nightborne will have a role in 8.2, maybe this is the moment the fans have been waiting for?

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Dunno. Everyone told me to shut it about fixing Nightborne and that Goblins and Worgen have been waiting for model updates for years, which isn’t untrue.

Hopefully 8.2 wows me enough in some way to see they mean it when they want to do more for character customization in general.


Some people are just toxic and don’t understand that blizzard can work on multiple things at once and won’t affect what they want in the future…

We will probably see character customization improvements over patches and expansions, not all at once.

In that regard, I can totally see 8.2 spearheading it.

I doubt it be has close has next patch, Ion did say in a German Interview that 8.2 is close

But we have seen customization improvements over past patches. Orc posture, blood elf golden eyes, night warrior skin.

I don’t expect new customization categories soon, but other improvements should be possible.

They said they wanted to review the preorder allied races back in April 2018, for instance, and one of the devs (Muffinus, I think) asked in Twitter when night warrior was datamined what other unlockable customization would like to see in the future.

I even made a thread at the time and sent it to him.


I laughed and I am mad I laughed.
Personally, i would like to see better options to create more differences. Being a blueberry elf should be more distinctive

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Re-recruit the Taunka for the horde
(Taunka customization for tauren)

Build and reinforce the Hinterlands with the RevanTusk tribe
(Forest troll customization to the Zandalari)

The eradar are without home, help the dreanai with peace talks to enlist them to the alliance l
(Eradar customization to the dreanai)

The eredar part I don’t see happening, and the problem with the taunka or revantusk is that they’d require model changes, so they’d be need new races rather than just unlockable customization.

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They are just suggestions. They are many tribes of races that aren’t playable (like the sand and frost trolls) and I would rather give races more customization options than adding more races where they are not needed

(Like the mag’har, Highmountain, Lightforged and Kul’tirans.)

Haha. That was nearly a spit take.

Don’t worry about that. We get that all the time here… and it looks like the European forums are the same.

Wanting something gives you a vulnerability. Trolls home in on that.

Just have to keep on keeping on.

I’m sure when people were asking for Worgen and Goblin updates that people were talking down to them too.