The two main problems of remix and and solutions?

1 - Bronze Acquisition/Spending

Cutting massive costs to the upgrades hurts those who already upgraded(especially those who didn’t do farms) unless the bronze is retroactively returned.

On the flip side, massively buffing bronze acquisition would just make everyone play and quit very quickly.

Pacing the bronze through dailies/group content makes people engage in group content over the weeks - I totally understand why they don’t want the mode to be completed in the first few weeks.

This issue is the tradeoff of player power vs buying cosmetics ? So what’s the solution

I suggest making a gear token for a free upgrade drop once a day from activities. Say 1 token a day from raid/world boss/achievements. Make a cap/catch-up on these tokens similair to trophies of strife or whatever so those joining late could catch up through additional activities.

There are 15 upgrade levels at 70 with 9 slots = 135 total upgrades.
With 95 days of remix this would give you 95 total, leaving 40 upgrades to purchase for max power level. So this wouldn’t get you to max power level doing the bare minimum.

The beauty of this is because froggers/farmers are already near max power through gear level (and able to farm bronze the easiest) they won’t get far stronger/more ahead relatively because of this, while allowing others to catch up.

2 - Weak Cloaks Alts

The main thing that prevents me from alting is how weak the combination of gear/weaker cloak makes my alts. It’s already faster to level on retail - so what’s the point of grinding at 70 to get to a fraction of the power of my main character? I want to try crazy tinker combos on new classes but don’t want to spend 8 hours a day grinding threads/bronze for gear on an alt…

-Let’s have cloaks combine threads from all 70s on hitting level 70. That way you aren’t just one hitting raid bosses with boosted cloaks/xp on the way up, but still strong enough where playing at 70 isn’t a chore on repeat characters. Most power at 70 is coming from gear upgrades anyway - so let me use my cloak stats at 70!

The main problem is it’s a massive waste of time.

It demands too much investment to reach the ‘overpowered’ promise, especially as a fresh 70.

Spending event currency on upgrades is nothing but a setback against buying the stuff you might want, and do not appreciably increase the bronze gain after spending so much.

%xp should have always been %+bronze at max level. Every day that goes by with the bronze economy out of whack, the more players will be screwed over by any fix applied.

I do think the cloak being just straight up account wide would be a good change

As for gear upgrades: make all gear scrap for 100% of the bronze upgrade cost. We can be OP now, we can scrap it all at the end of the event to get the stuff we want