The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

Source for this claim?

Sure guy
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so it seems I was being generous with my guesstimate :slightly_smiling_face:

I expected way too much from you.


that’ll teach ya to question math

Hmm a Mak’gora between a Elven Ranger and Drust Druid? This has to be interesting.

It has not to be. We shall have tea and discuss the frill on our leggings, or perhaps the filigree on our bracers. Then one of us shall die.

It’s gonna be me.

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I’m admittedly an elven fan. Any elven type has my attention. In WoD, the orcs were getting a bit boring. I prefered the Draeneis, which in a way were kind of similar to Night Elves’ Temple of the Moon kind of aesthetics.

BfA was horrible for me because the Kul Tirans were absolutely not interesting, and I was mainly Ally. I liked the Zandalari Trolls campaign. They showed more troll history which had an Aztec flare, kind of different from the Gurubashis and Amanis.

As for aesthetics, I think the Blood Elves are tricky, because they were initially an Alliance race, and built Dalaran together with the humans. In WC3, the High Elf builder units were all castle stones that blended with the humans’, so that became sort of an Alliance aesthetics. However, now that Blood Elves joined the Horde, they were initially more like the exception than the rule, until they met the Highbornes. The Undead and the Orcish Horde were originally 2 different factions, so their aesthetics are quite different too.