The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

Ironically, the people most fatigued with Night Elf content in my experience have been hardcore Night Elf fans, largely for these reasons of “please God make it stop.”


Yeah I don’t think any night elf fans have actually liked all of the focus they’ve gotten since BFA. Until it finally ended in this patch none of it was positive.


I’m fatigued with alliance content in general because of how spineless they often come off as


You’re not alone. I’d be fine with heavy Alliance content if they actually served a purpose other than to facilitate another Horde civil war or a vehicle for Anduin to make sad faces, but BFA showed me that’s too much to ask. The best they can do is kill a king and sack a city, and pray it dissuades those people from joining the other faction.


Even then, they still fail and look pathetic in the process


No, a small group of mentally-unwell NEFPAs masquerading as a large population convinced Blizzard that the playerbase was in an uproar, when it was in fact (and still is) like 10 people who need therapy.

Teldrassil is over, Night Elves are not real, this is just a video game, time to move on. It was time to move about a week after Teldrassil burned. Night Elf fatigue was strong even before Dragonflight, and it’s time to stop catering to unhinged people who will never let this go. Blizzard thinks they can be appeased, but these people won’t quit until it’s literally just World of Night Elves.


You sound like an insufferably unpleasant human being.


don’t even need post-hoc justification, High Mountain is explicitly a primarily Tauren (and thus Horde) aesthetic.
Legion overall was really good about casting a wide net in that manner.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting Nelf fans have been having it incredibly good since Legion. While I do think the Nelf developments from Legion and DF were largely positive, those from BFA and SL were trash and mostly destructive and detrimental to Nelf fans. Doesn’t make the fatigue less real though, because at the end of the day, it’s still 4 expansions worth of Nelf content.


oh i fully agree with the nelf fatigue im so sick of them. i was just theorycrafting as to why they have been around so much since bfa


I think it also has a lot to do with how poorly most of that content was designed. Even with amidrisaal I’m sure horde fans feel out of place because of what looms over the whole world tree saga


I dunno about that. Wide net?

One zone with tauren-related content.
Three zones of night elf-related content.
Three Argus zones of draino-related content.

That net might’ve caught a lot of two Alliance races, but a pretty small haul for one Horde race. Net seems wide on one side and full of holes on the other.


wish we could turn back time
to the good orc days

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It still amazes me just how much the kaldorei and stormwind just consume everything alliance side. And it’s exhausting.

Like, I was running around the dreamway on my Druid yesterday and thought how nice it would have been if we saw more druids from the other races around instead of just night elves


Hey, we have a small handful of token tauren, worgen and trolls there too!!

Clearly the Dreamweavers did the bare minimum to meet their diversity quota.


Tis not good enough! We need moar!!


What frustrates me about all this blanket exposure is how little any other view/mindset/aesthetic of druidism gets expressed.

Where’s the grassland druids, swamp druids, tundra druids? Where’s the druids looking to nurture a new biome while butting heads with the other druids who advocate restoring the previous ecosystem instead?

Instead, even when non-night-elf druids are included, they’re all the same cardboard cutout saying “We like trees.”

I want my intra-druid disagreements, to let different subcultures and aesthetics peek through the endless forest imagery. :angry:


I am not sure you should make a wish like that. the monkey’s paw that is blizzard may hear you.


I don’t have an issue with aesthetics. I have an issue that the Horde is, except when they serve as foes for the Alliance, mostly invisible when it comes to plot.


When Blizzard only has tree druids, Blizzard burns down the biggest tree and pretends the druids don’t notice or care.

If we get icy tundra druids, the Horde might melt the entirety of Northrend so the druids can also not care about that!! Swamp druids? Good bye Swamp of Sorrows, only I shall miss you, the druids certainly won’t!!

I suppose for grassy plains druids, the tauren would have to burn Mulgore themselves, being all Horde and all…