The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

I appreciate what Eric Covington is attempting to convey, but this doesn’t land. One expansion (one and a half if we wanna be REAL generous and include MoP) worth of orc content and one quarter’s worth of troll content is too much for the players to handle (to the point at which they’ll pivot away from their original finale for WoD, giving us DRAENOR IS FREE), yet we’ve had about four expansions of very heavy Night Elf content. It’s funny how the fatigue seems to selectively apply.

And yes, Tyrande DOES count as Night Elf content - it’s unfortunate that it’s done so, but World of Warcraft has transitioned from a story with focus on its world, to a story with a focus on characters. So the Night Elf story IS told via Tyrande, and her appearance in Shadowlands is Night Elf content.

Eric means well, but he’s kinda proving Baal’s point, and evidencing the disconnect the devs (former and current) had with the playerbase. Just because someone gives a reason for something doesn’t mean it’s suddenly understandable or agreeable.


This is true, I forgot the wagon aesthetic.

I wonder if all wagon content is now retroactively Horde content because Vulpira got added?

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You do realize it is also BLOOD ELF adjecent. Or did you forget they were all part of Azshara’s empire at one point?


The themes were pretty Alliance centric.

Get yelled at for saving Night Elf souls.

Follow the former leader of the Alliance (Bolvar) to help another Alliance leader (Anduin). Bolvar even says to save “the king” - I am like, excuse me, Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Man… he ain’t my king. But Blizzard just thinks everyone sees Anduin as “the king” while questing.

Even that one Kyrian broad fangirls over Anduin coming to Bastion because he is a king. He had a hype squad in Bastion.


No, we’re not doing this. It featured zero Blood Elves or Blood Elf themes outside of Lor’themar, and nearly all of the ghosts and architecture were themed around Kaldorei. Nobody came out of Nazjatar thinking it was a Blood Elf zone.

Don’t even try this argument. By that logic, Zandalar was Night Elf content too since they used to be trolls.


Legion had more of a focus on draenei than the night elves. Suramar was a Night Elf city however by the time we got there they were more of their own thing. Same with Azsuna since the Night Elves there were all dead and disconnected from the Night Elves on Kalimdor, same with Val’sharah. And with the Moon Guard Stronghold, they were mostly getting slaughtered by the Shal’dorei that were loyal to Elisandre.

The night elves in Tomb of Sargeras again were dead and again largely disconnected by those in Kalimdor and were likely living the last moments of their life. Black Rook Hold again were disconnected, dead, and living out their last moments and were manipulated by the Legion. Not to mention according to I think WCII or was it Warcraft I? Anyway according to one of the Warcraft games, the Broken Isles actually sunk to the bottom of the ocean. That was retconned for Legion.

Someone mentioned Nazjatar and while it shows Zin’Azshari, however like Suramar and like Azsuna the Naga are their own beings. They’re no longer night elves. Those that we see in Zin’Azshari are dead and likely living out their last moments before the Great Sundering. Trapped for all eternity and never quite moving on. And again they’re disconnected from the kaldorei in Kalimdor.


Yes, even alliance wagons belong to the vulpera as been decreed by the vulpera


Aside from a few night elf ruins it was a zone dedicated Nagas.


Ok? Naga aren’t Blood Elves. Also, “a few Night Elf ruins” is wildly disingenuous. The zone was 80% the ruins of their drowned capital.

That’s like saying Argus was a little green.


With this Horde supremacy is confirmed for they have achieved Logistical Dominance!

I knew I liked those little guys.


I mean, it’s not like Azshara herself is important to the night elf history or anything.

… But I do feel obligated to point out it does kinda suck that not a single major night elf happened to be around for Naz’jatar.


It was a Legion world at that point with at best Eredath keeping any true Draenei/original Eredar aesthetic.

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Shandris and I think Maiev were there. There was a questline where Shandris ran into an echo of an old friend she used to play with in Zin’azshari.


Shandris was there, but only just to find the ghost of her friend (think it used to be her little brother in PTR, not sure why they changed that). But that was hardly a presence, and in spite of the general vibe of this comment section, I do think Tyrande should’ve been present given her personal history with Azshara and Zin-Azshari.

But hey, Azshara’s not dead, so maybe there’s something in the cards later.

Yes, I understand this, I am making an intentional understatement (not about Draenei architecture) to highlight your understatement about Nazjatar. Most of the zone was Night Elf ruins, even if a lot of it was overgrown with sea stuff.

I’m not sure if you have the tools to argue this point.


This is a really weird tweet thread. He starts by declaring that Orc Fatigue isn’t a thing and then goes on to explain, at length, how it absolutely is a thing and absolutely affected their decision making.


I fully expect after the next expac launches, Zerde and his ilk will claim that the Dwarf starting experience in Vanilla retro actively counts as Horde and Alliance content, because the Horde will have Dwarves.

I am a fan of the Vulpera. I hang out with Kiro sometimes. I like that little area, too.

But they don’t add much to the theme of the Horde, they show up in wagons and sort of help carry it along. Even the Zandalari add their own brand of naval ships, air power, religious temples and ceremonies… the Vulpera could have a wagon parked somewhere, and that would be that.


See, this is what happens when you don’t do the Alliance side of BfA (because why would I want to do more BfA after doing it once?) and rely on your memory of reading about the quests for the Alliance.

My bad!!


I actually had moved my blood elf hunter main to the Alliance and made her a night elf so that’s why I ran through the Nazjatar quests lol.

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You’re good, tbh it’s literally just a copy paste of the Thalyssra questline where she’s looking for her pupil, only they’re looking for a different person. So it’s really nothing largely, she might as well NOT be there.


Maybe not dwarves…

But the Earthen in Uldaman and the other places? Definitely counts as Horde content once TWW drops!!

Possibly even Alliance too. Depends how much they end up liking the Earthen. If they don’t like 'em, then it’s solely Horde content and we should stop complaining about not getting any love, because lookit all the earthen stuff we and we alone got!!