The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

That’s what I mean. They should offer blue eyes to Horde elves even if they aren’t called High Elves. To reflect the case where a former High Elf rejoined Silvermoon.

(Also, I believe current lore is that you don’t have to actually “sip” fel to get the green eyes—they can also change as a result of ambient fel from the crystals.)


(Also, I believe current lore is that you don’t have to actually “sip” fel to get the green eyes—they can also change as a result of ambient fel from the crystals.)

This is indeed current lore – that’s fel radiation in general, simply being near fel will be enough for changes (eg not all orcs drank the blood but they got green skin)


I really doubt San’lyn are ever going to be in the card especially considering its a death knight specialization for reasons.

Oooohh, okay yeah!! I missed that somehow.

It is, but I wasn’t about to get very granular with that little bit. The main point being it’s a minor difference at best, and one that by now is long obsolete; blood elves effectively stopped doing that when the Sunwell got reignited, and most differences between blood and high elves are political at this point; one joined with the Horde and the other stuck with the Alliance.

A number of people have been actively calling for revamping the AR system, or at least the mechanical implementation at character creation, into something that goes general race > nation. So you’d have, for instance:

  • Orc
    1: Azeroth (green)
    2: Mag’har
    3: Fel (potential future)
    4: Mok’nathal
  • Tauren
    1: Kalimdor
    2: Highmountain
    3: Taunka
  • Elf
    1: Blood Elf
    2: Nightborne
    3: Felborne
  • Troll
    1: Gurubashi/Darkspear/Jungle
    2: Amani/Revantusk/Forest
    3: Zandalari
    4: Farakki/Sand (own model finally)
    5: Drakkari/Frost (own model finally + undead option)
  • Undead
    1: Forsaken
    2: Leper Gnome (?)
    3: San’layn/Darkfallen
  • Under 5ft Club
    1: Goblin
    2: Vulpera
    3: Earthen (Since its unfortunately happening)
  • Pandaren
  • Drakthyr

  • Human
    1: Stormwind (with skinny option)
    2: Kultiras
  • Dwarf
    2: Wild Hammer
    3: Dark Iron
    4: Frostborne
    5: Earthen
  • Gnome
    1: Gnomeregan
    2: Mecha
  • Elf
    1: Night
    2: High
    3: Void
  • Dreanei
    1: Exodar
    2: Lightforged
    3: Krokul
    4: Manari
  • Worgen
    1: Gilneas
    2: IDK, something to make it look even
  • Pandaren
  • Drakthyr

Not only is all that smoother to go through and removes some of the character creation bloat, but sliding over current allied races and creating new ones could be handled as they are if they really want to do the whole added racials, capital/city/zone, and real independence or separation from current races/nations. You have an equal 8 races with somewhat equal nation/customization (though Horde is a bit higher with the liberties I took).

On the note of more allied races/customization, I tend to be on the more conservative side of adding more. There are those that have obviously made sense for years now. Forest Trolls, Ogres/Mok’nathal (since size tends to be an issue), Taunka. Earthen/Frostborn, Vykrul (I’ve always been a maybe here), Broken/Krokul. Even just adding 1 every expansion, thats 6 years of content. Do it every other expansion and we’re looking at 12 years before ‘running out.’ Gilgoblins, Hozen, Jinyu, Furbogs, etc etc never really made sense as actual playable races to me, and Im sure Im probably in the minority here but I’ll fight on that hill. Won’t die on that hill though, far more important things to die for.

Blood Elves can already customize blue eyes.

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They might feel (correctly) that it was Sylvanas that burned down the tree, not “the Horde”.

I don’t think Silvermoon will ever be neutral.

Yes, there will be a neutral hub for players in the Midnight expansion (unless Blizzard does what they did with Cataclysm and revamp existing capitals to serve as each faction’s base of operations), but I don’t think it will be Silvermoon. My money is on Quel’danas, which is already a neutral location, visited by elves of both factions, and since we’re defending the Sunwell from the void in that expansion, it makes sense for Blizzard to put the hub there instead.

It would entirely be for gameplay reasons. Different racials, different starting location, different heritage armor etc.

And honestly, when you think about it, the whole ‘reunification of the elves’ thing they’ve said they’re going for makes the concept of a neutral elf race make more sense. Since I doubt they’d enable Void Elf/Blood Elf customization options for the opposite faction, which is the only other way I could see reunification having a payout that players benefit from.

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Also anything that doesn’t involve indiscriminately killing everything and dominating it and painting the continent red is Alliance morals. Characters who don’t make their personality war with the Alliance are Alliance characters.

It will depend where the questing is. Wherever it might be will probably be neutral for that expansion. If that means Silvermoon? Then it will probably be, just like Amidrasil.

If it is neutral permanently, it would be as part of a plan to make all zones neutral. (Yes, that is unlikely)

I do see your reasoning, but I don’t really feel the vibe of high elves being neutral as a big draw.

Earthen might look similar to dwarves on a very generic level, but the similarities end there. They are culturally different, their appearance beyond body shape is different, their history is different, so on and so forth. You won’t look at a dwarf and an earthen standing next to each other and have a hard time telling which is which.

High elves aren’t that. At least, they are not supposed to be according to the lore. The difference between a high and blood elf is mostly political and eye glow. They are culturally the same, visually the same, so on and so forth. There isn’t a distinction really worth following through.

Don’t get me wrong, I think y’all should get your high elves for the Alliance. But they’re superfluous for the Horde, and not as big of a draw for a whole expansion’s selling point.

Now playable, neutral Naga? That’s a sell.

Naga are, ultimately, mutated elves. In a Grand Unified Elf system, they would be a reasonable inclusion. Have a rebel band who are fed up with Azshara and want to help stop her from blowing up Azeroth and you have a story hook for their inclusion. As former highborne, they fit in with Horde elves (Nightborne). Tyrande has already shown a willingness to work with Highborne and after the issue with the Nightborne, she might be more willing to be more diplomatic, and she’s about as opposite from Azshara as an elf leader could be, so you have the Alliance-side naga hook.

But we’re already getting neutral Earthen which while not really Alliance-associated, they certainly look Alliance associated, and have no history with the Horde, even as enemies. So players tend to look at them as Alliance-like.

Going with the expansion after that by making an actual Alliance lore race suddenly also be neutral is just giving Horde fans the finger. We don’t need another Alliance-ish race stuffed into Orgrimmar. We need another monster. Nagas could be that monster.

And really, a lot of the issues with playable naga that were brought up in the past are resolved. Pants not showing? No big deal, dracthyr already do that. Mounts are a problem, but you can just have the tail curl up or something. However dracthyr tails are handled, just more and bigger. Throw in a visage-like passive to look more elf-y and you’ve got a win.

Again, I want you guys to get your high elves. I really do. But we don’t need to also have them on red side.

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I know some people on the forum claim this position, but I have never agreed with it.

It takes a little more than that.

they’ll know it was the horde as it wasnt just sylvanus and the forsaken it was the horde

Not only that, but that monkey paw has unlimited fingers available.


TBC had a night elf patch?
Wrath had a night elf patch?
MoP had a night elf patch?
WoD had a night elf patch?


I normally try to stay out of this weird bickering stuff, but…

I mean, four out of nine sounds nice and all, but it does mean five out of nine have had some serious night elf content. Where’s the love for dwarves? Gnomes? Worgen? Hell, where the hecking heck even are the pandaren, on either side?? Drainos did get some Legion love, but it only took from TBC to WoD to remember they existed.

And do not get me started on the non-orc Horde.


It’s called over exaggerating. Don’t need to take everything literally. But the point is there’s been a ton of night elf content we’ve all had to deal with.

Not even bickering. But some people just like to ignore that, like you said, 4 out of 9 expansions have had a ton of night elf content. 3 in no less.

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There might be more though. It honestly depends on what you call a “night elf patch”. For example, would 8.1 be considered a night elf patch because it brought in the Darkshore warfront? Even though the main plot of 8.1 is the Battle for Dazar’alor. What about 8.2?

Is Darkshore not night elven territory though? Did we not fight to take back night elven territory? It also introduced the Night Warrior out of the blue too

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But it is not the main focus of the patch. That is the point I am trying to make. Where do we draw the line?

Darkshore is the B of 8.1. The Battle for Dazar’alor is the A plot.

One would assume that the Night Elf plot has to be the A plot for it to be a “night elf patch”. Since you are making Night Elves the subject of the patch.

It is why I consider 7.1 a non-raid focused patch. Even though it introduced Trial of Valor. Because that is the B plot, while the A plot was the Return to Karazhan.

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