The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

And yet there was no guarantee they will become playable. Remind me, does this not also applies to other races which aren’t playable? Sethrak do have a Heart of Azeroth animation, no?

The truth might be somewhere in the middle. The developers went back to add the Hearth of Azeroth animation to older races, so they can become perhaps a player race at one point.

You’re just dismissive and that’s okay. It’s one of your personal traits as human being.

What most people forget is that all of the polygon models come with animations, which are based on already existing character models. Where is your proof that the developers planned them from the very start?

They were in demand. I do remember the discussions about them and their backs, which includes the Darkspear Trolls. Unfortunately for both of us we have no access to the old forums anymore. I still don’t understand why they had to wipe it completely clean back then.