The true enemy to both WoW and IRL is Elitism/Extremism

I mean yea, if you work around the clock to hire and train employees, develop training and systems to facilitate their jobs, make sure they have the right skills to benefit your team, there is a slight comparison there. You will also need to manage your product inventory, manage all spending for rental and equipment, organize a payment system for your employees, and keep up with general repair of the property.

The problem with people like you is you can’t even begin to understand the requirements, organization, and management required to lead a competitive raiding/dungeon group.

Your post is nothing more than an effort to minimize those requirements. You don’t even know what you’re asking for, don’t know what you want, you just know you want it. You do not see the big picture.

So yea make your own group, find your own friends, vet your teammates, have talks with and cut the ones who are not meeting your standards. Go over the fights with your group, review your details log to see where it went wrong. Discuss loot with your officers, discuss professions and funding consumables. Then you have a chance at being successful.

Oh, so you admit the Elitists have control over the content? I don’t want to take people’s property.

I want more freedom and liberty. Honestly, you Elitists make me sick with the lack of reading.

I mean…you want to succeed in a human society, but you don’t want to work with others because you think they are evil? I don’t even know what to say to that.

First, even with UBI, you’d still be poor, unless you make UBI comparable to the wages of people who are working. In that case, no one will be working, which leads to no taxes for UBI.

I’ve called you an idiot, but I don’t think I’ve given you a forum vacation, so…no? Also, you want to take the properties and freedom of others, that still makes you the tyrant.

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Honestly, I feel like you keep missing the entire purpose of #SoloQueue . I wish NOT to do that. America is already being battered, I wish not to make it worse.

It’s pretty sickening how much you cling to your assumption.

Look at my profile. Does it look elitist to you?

No, my guild just contains all my own characters lol.

You have freedom and liberty, so does everyone else get that?
So their freedom lets them choose not to play with you…

Honest to Bob, this is what is wrong with the world today. Everyone is special, but they forget the so is everyone else part.

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Making your own group is elite now?


That is amazing the effort they put into doing this. I wonder what they’d be doing if they didn’t have this game to play.

I’m talking about your harebrained proposal of removing human interaction from success, as I’ve quoted that line directly. I’m not assuming, you just can’t even track a conversation that’s written down in front of you.

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Stop joining guilds that spam on trade and you won’t run into these issues

Thank you blizzard for the god button :smile:

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No. Only the elite do currently.

Success should not entirely be human interaction. And human interaction should remain legal.

It what the elite would say ,a sort snob way of say,nah nah nah.

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Do you understand what “specialization” means? Do you know how much information/branches of science exists in the modern day? Even if, by some miracle, you are able to create something amazing by yourself (which is doubtful), you still need human interaction to market and distribute that creation. So no, success without human interaction is impossible.

I don’t give serious answers to people who don’t want them.

No they don’t.
You have the same abilities to enter content as they do.
You thinking people choosing not to carry you is an infringement in any sense is ridiculous.
As plenty have told you, make your own group. You choose not to and to demonize people who literally have done nothing wrong. You have carried it on for hours now, when really, how many groups could you have made to solve your problem?

You are the one trying to be a professional victim, where there has been no crime committed.

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I don’t want WoW to emulate IRL. That’s the entire reason why this thread was made.

Great! You did something as a team, I’m proud of you. But I haven’t found my path yet. Yet it makes more sense that you belittle me over an assumption.

They just like to play the constant victim.

Do I really?

Do I want people to carry me? No.

Taking stuff that I liked from WoW is a crime. You propagate it.