“The Trial of the Sea Lion” Quest for horde tauren cant be completed because its impossible to click on the Silverpine Forest lockbox to get 1 half of the pendant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV6LeQ6UNiI
Same here. Seems to occur as you are swimming down, it zones from Silverpine to Great ocean and then disappears.
yeah hope it gets fixed was hoping to have a 60 druid by the time tbc launches and would make leveling slower not to have aquatic form
This is still broken. No sea lion forms for us!
Confirmed happening on my server too. It’s as soon as you end up in the zone “The Great Sea” that the world changes and The Strange Footlocker vanishes. Unfortunately there is no way to interact with the item while still in the Silverpine zone as the character changes zones while opening the item and it interrupts the cast and goes poof.
It’s happening on my server as well. I swim down to the chest, says the great sea, and both the chest and the bubbly fissure disappear. However, I do get the bubbly fissure effect it’s just not visible.
The bug is still happening after 5/23/21 maintenance.
Same here. Just about drowned due to the bubbles disappearing. Quest is impossible to complete.
Yes! Ugh, I was so confused about it disappearing that my character drowned while being 1 second from the surface… Then I respawned at the graveyard outside of crossroads??! I tried to retrieve my corpse, but ended up dying (while already dead) of fatigue trying to cross the great sea. So I had to take Rez sickness and the armor penalty…
Same exact thing happened to me. I was like “I was no where near the crossroads!!!”
Just came to complain about this exact same thing that a bunch of other people are complaining about.
So frustrating, and a huge waste of time.
I found a workaround. You can go get the Alliance version of this pendant in Westfall. I was able to click the box and loot it.