The Travels of Tetaunka Treesong (character backstory)

Tetaunka Treesong grew up in Bloodhoof Village. Big and clumsy as a kid, but with a gentle heart, he became known as “Crashin’ Thrashin’ Tetaunka” from his unfortunate accidents breaking things. Sent to play outside as a kid, away from the village and things he could break, he fell in love with the grasses and wildflowers of Mulgore. Here he could run and play to his heart’s content without fear of being fussed at. His favorites were the trees! Among the trees, he did not feel so big and clumsy. Among the trees, he felt small and agile. He could hug the trees without hurting them. Pressing his ear to their bark, he could hear them singing to each other and the world all around. Tetaunka loved the tree songs.

As a young brave, Tetaunka was sent to Camp Narache on Red Cloud Mesa to learn how to hunt and provide for his tribe. As the biggest kid in camp, he became a natural target for other young braves looking to prove themselves. Tetaunka hated wrestling the others, because he always ended up hurting someone and being admonished by Chief Hawkwind and the other elders, but the growing stories only inspired more challenges. It didn’t help that Tetaunka really did not enjoy hunting. He liked meeting wild animals, but felt terrible about hurting them. This wasn’t something he felt comfortable talking about with Grull Hawkwind or the other hunt trainers, let alone the other kids. Tetaunka was not slow, but he was not quick-witted either. He was a cautious, patient, and deliberate thinker. But as he returned empty handed from many hunts, the others began to assume he was just slow.

Tetaunka took refuge under the tutelage of Gart Mistrunner, the camp’s Druid. Gart understood the stories Tetaunka returned with of novel flowers, wise old fish, and the chorus of the pines. Gart saw what no one else did: Tetaunka was a gifted student, when studying what he wanted to learn. Gart began teaching Tetaunka the hidden languages of nature, so he could more fully understand what the trees and grasses and critters were trying to tell him. And when Tetaunka was old enough, Gart spoke to his parents about what his future might hold. It took some convincing, but eventually they gave their blessing, and Tetaunka left on his greatest adventure - he traveled to Moonglade, to study with Night Elves and learn of the Emerald Dream.

In Moonglade, Tetaunka went from dunce to prodigy. His quiet patience was seen as wisdom and a virtue, the only way to take in all the natural world had to teach. Tetaunka missed his family, but found his home. When some of the druids left our world to help save another, Tetaunka joined them as part of the Cenarion Expedition. No sooner had that other world (Outland, they called it) been stabilized than word came of a Cataclysm back on Azeroth. Tetaunka joined with the other druids in defending Nordrassil, beating back the Firelands, and defeating Ragnaros for good. When the Legion invaded, Tetaunka joined other druids in building the Dream Grove on the Broken Isles; together they saved the Emerald Dream from Xavius and his Nightmares.

Tetaunka’s world came crashing down (not his fault this time!) when the Horde, led by Sylvanas, declared war on the Night Elves and invaded Darkshore. After so many years studying under Malfurion and the Kaldorei, how could he now turn on them? After so many battles where he fought at their side, so many times they had saved his life and he theirs, how could he take arms against them? When all they were doing was defending their homes and the forests he himself had come to love? Tetaunka still loved his fellow Tauren, but the Horde were clearly the aggressors here. Using his druid-taught shape-changing abilities, Tetaunka took a form resembling the wolf-like Worgen, another people taken in and taught by the Night Elves. He fought with Malfurion and the druids to push back the madness of Sylvanas, even if it alienated him from his kin.

As Azeroth devolved into global war, the gentle-hearted Tetaunka grieved and looked for ways to end the madness. When he heard that his own High Chieftain, Baine Bloodhoof, had resisted Sylvanas and been imprisoned for it, he joined the rescue party. Baine taught Tetaunka that he did not have to abandon his kin to fight the sickness within the Horde. Tetaunka returned with Baine, rejoined his fellow Tauren, and prepared for the confrontation with Sylvanas. What happened next was beyond what any of them expected.

Baine was abducted once again, this time taken beyond the veil into the Shadowlands. Leaping once again to his rescue, Tetaunka learned of the darkness of the Maw, but also of the beauty that is Ardenweald. There he learned where his fellow nature spirits go to rest and recover between lives, so beautiful it could hardly be described, and of a great cycle in jeopardy. Here he met Tyrande, wife of his teacher Malfurion, and saw how her spirit was broken. Working with his new allies, they were able to turn her from her dark path of vengeance, and find instead a hope for renewal. A seed was created, to one day replace the home the Kaldorei had lost. The weight of what his Horde had done to Teldrassil heavy in his heart, Tetaunka swore himself to the defense of this new seed, and he traveled to the Dragon Isles, to the Ohn’ahran Plains, to see this new hope to fruition.


So that’s who kept knocking over the Totem piles when I once trained as a shaman in Bloodhoof Village…

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