The trade goblins have come for me

The better step is to not interact with them at all. Just report their whisper as spam (unsolicited communication). You can put in the comment space about feeling intimidated by them.

Another player can not decide for you what you post in Trade. If you putting a price in your post bothers them it’s a “them” problem.

The “others” may not even exist. Or it could be one person trying to get a rise out of the one who messaged you.

Yes, it may happen. But not nearly as much as some players would like to believe. And it is not likely happening on every realm. In order for it to be as wide-spread as some like to make it out to be, on places like Reddit, players would be discussing sites where the recruiting for those groups was being done.

Thank you! That is the best solution. Blizzard sets the rules of the game, not that other player. I had someone try that with me once about the price I put Netherweave bags on the AH for. That was before the right-click option was available.

I would say a better reason would be to show those who try to do it that they are wrong to think they can dictate how someone else plays the game.


For ongoing harassment or something of that nature, sure.

For a single contact from some clown who is trying to threaten me with his crew and their “flex,” I wouldn’t hesitate to do exactly as I said, though… with tact and without foul language, tell them to get lost.

On initial contact from someone harassing you, one simple, “yeah thanks, now leave me alone,” isn’t detrimental to anyone’s “case.” It’s really only when you either give as good as you get (one set of interactions; can’t really say “harassment”) or in the case of repeated contact, continuing to communicate (multiple sets of interactions; again can’t say “harassment”) that people want to not respond.

Or, people that can’t keep their cool and want to go nuclear on a response.

I don’t see how “yeah, that’s funny, take a hike,” would be an undesirable response. We players can defend ourselves appropriately without running afoul of the rules regarding harassment or ongoing harassment.


I don’t see a problem with it either. I just feel it’s more annoying to the one contacting you if you don’t reply to them at all. There’s nothing a bully hates more than being ignored. It also makes it easier for the GM reviewing the report if there wasn’t any verbal PvP involved.


Well, that is true for sure, the silence works wonders with some.


I laughed IRL when that player tried to do it to me. I think I put more bags on the AH at the same price right after too.


I, too, have had the whispers from random players that want to know why I priced something the way I did, or why I undercut, or “don’t you know if you just wait you can sell XYZ for a higher price?” Not often… maybe three times in sixteen years, but I have had it.

Honestly I cannot remember what I said back, but it was probably something like “thanks for your advice,” followed by a 25% undercut of whatever the item in question was.

Never got a second whisper from any of these folks, LOL.


I still see people referencing that video as “proof of autobans” for chat infractions… I thought this may have had a different source due to the video being so old, and so heavily debunked.

are you saying… Nessie isn’t real? :dragon_face:



Many years ago, I read the original Life magazine article with the pictures of Bigfoot.

About 20 years later, I read their follow-up interview with the people who submitted the pictures and story where they admitted the whole thing was a hoax.

To this day, there has been a constant stream of shows “proving” Bigfoot exists, or hunting for him.

People pay money to believe in their fairy tales and other folks will cheerfully take the money.

P. T. Barnum was right!

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