The times they are a changin...regarding Duel Tournaments for cash prizes in WoW

So as long as I use a 3rd party to collect money from rubes - er contestants and “fans” - and then give it out as prize money based on a series of duels in-game. Blizzard is good with that?

Or do I need to have my own stream first?


Probably don’t want to directly name active pservers, just yet. I’ve watched some threads get nuked for that specific reason.

You definitely need a stream to get the privilege

Nope not going to.

Yeah well, unfortunately, I can’t bring myself to play on private servers because it just feels wrong to me.

Even if it didn’t, I don’t want to invest time into a character or characters that could be wiped at any time.

I’m firmly in the camp that if players want to organize and host a tournament like this and pay cash prizes that is none of Blizzard’s business.

However, that poses an interesting problem. Today we saw two players go out of their way to disrupt the tournament and although we have no concrete information on what happened to them, they disappeared after griefing a match.

Players will just have to figure out how to deal with this, but should be allowed to do it.

The last I saw, or noticed, the Tauren was sitting down on the ground apparently tired after sperging around for three hours.

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Do you really think Blizzard didn’t know about this?

Come on now. Maybe that money didn’t come from Blizzard, but obviously the guy felt he couldn’t, or shouldn’t say. Maybe it’s just because he felt it needed to remain anonymous. Regardless, if you are under some assumption that Blizzard didn’t know about this, I find that very highly unlikely.

Probably thought it wasn’t anyone’s business either or could of been trolling by saying he should say.

you seem angry friend

It was the look on his face when he was asked about it is what made me curious. Not the actual words, but his expression and hesitation.

Regardless, as I said, I think it’s highly unlikely Blizzard didn’t know about this no matter where the money came from. If they didn’t and them doing this somehow broke the rules, I could see actions being taken.

Well the article might explain why we see so few blue posts. Interesting and a little scary

Looks like Blizz is pulling out all the stops to get this hype train up to full speed.

They must really be depending on a huge number of subs and a huge number of $$$ coming in.

Betting the farm on wow classic for 3Q improvement.

Damn so all of the MLG tournaments they had for WoW back in the day are TOS too.

why do you even care???

No those were sanctioned and overseen by a Blizzard promoter.

It’s great there are tournaments and Prize pools this will bring only more excitement to the best MMO of all time.

You must realize one thing. That Classic will eventually have Blizzard sanctioned Prize pool tournaments. Ion said in an interview that initially tournaments would be held by the players but if it was successful and people want to see it. Then we would look into holding official Esport tournaments for Classic.

If you didn’t know there is a Classic Dungeon Invitational already scheduled as well.

Classic was the Esport we should of had all a long. Well what the fans were waiting for from WoW.

Just because we now lives in an Esport time doesn’t mean this will effect the No changes.

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And your post history looks to be chalk full of white knighting of streamers.


I take issue with streamers monetizing their beta access with these stunts. How much did they rake in as “donations” as it was ongoing?


I looked at his post count and figured he was a streamer groupie so didn’t bother engaging.