The time has come, Turn blood into the 3rd dps spec

Cmon, couldnt we all agree blood as a dps spec would be sick, make unholy become more necromancer like (continuing down the plague and ranged aspect) and allow blood to be the second melee spec of dk just sounds cool

A question for all the Tank players (Blood) would you ever be interested in that idea PvP and PvE alike?


No one wants to give up their tank spec would make the class less fun, its nice to be able to switch to blood tank a few pug things and go back to frost/unholy to raid.


Without specifics I’m not sure how it sounds cool


What? Man you trippin. I dont want lose my BDK tank.


I rather enjoyed blood in wotlk, it had a very bruiser/undying juggernaut vibe to it. The unfortunate thing is that balancing all specs to DPS or tank was too much and something had to give, thus blood DPS was sacrificed. Don’t get me wrong, it absolutely did not do good DPS, but the flavor of the spec is still imo one of the best in the game.

I think they have the knowledge now to make it a very solid contender but sadly I don’t see it ever returning to what it once was. Wotlk dk just hit different


Yes to expanding necromancy, no to being ranged


I like tanking, and blood offers a unique style that no other track class offers. I don’t think it should go, and I’m certain it won’t go anywhere.


The unique tanking style is exactly why it will remain. As much as i would love blood dps back, the theme fits tanking so well.


if they did a thing in the blood tree to make it an option so people can enjoy it again then that be nice, but people would also cry for frost and unholy tanking to come back.

one day maybe but dont lose hope

I would be interested in a blood dps spec but not at the cost of the most fun tank spec in the game.

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Ill pass buddy. Quite like my bdk, plus dps queue vs tank queue.

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BDK is one of the few unique ways of tanking we have, using our own massive health pools as our wall through heavy self regeneration. I don’t think giving that up in favor of a DPS would be all that great.

Now if it could be done to give Blood both so it can be a Regen Tank and a Bruiser, sure, but with how the talent trees are currently it’d be concerning not only for the balance of the spec as a whole, but also for the party members of those who pick everything from the DPS side and then queue as Tank.

Honestly, it’d probably be easier to just make Unholy or Frost the Bruiser, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

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Seems like people forget how busted full arp blood was in BGs back in wotlk; basically a full on dps.

I think people forget how boring and bare bones the spec was when gearing and talenting for DPS. Outside of keeping diseases rolling and rune conversion it was just Heart Strike spam and dumping RP with Death Coil.

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I pretty much only play Blood in PvP and I try to forsake as much survivability for damage as possible. It is all I want. Interestingly enough, Blood might be back to a pseudo-damage specialization next season due to our recent PvP multiplier increases and our set bonuses.

    • Blood
      • Heart Strike damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
      • Blood for Blood (PvP Talent) has been removed.

Decent increase in general damage and the Vampiric Blood bonus is disgusting. Pretty much will never die, especially if it works with Improved Vampiric Blood.

I would love both Blood damage and Mists of Pandaria versions of Demonology.

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blood is just thematically the coolest spec in the game imo, really wish there was some sort of vampiric dps spec

i agree with blood being the most BA tank in the game for sure, Its also my personal favorite to play but as a pvper im dps biased


Might be an unpopular opinion but I always had wished they would have made frost the dedicated tank spec and blood into the DPS spec. I had way more fun as a frost tank than I ever did a blood tank. We can’t put that toothpaste back in the tube though.

I think the best and perhaps most realistic hope for blood is for objective oriented BG’s to become the premier form of rated PVP in WoW. At least then there would be incentive to balance tanks for PVP a bit more than they may today and I could bust out blood now and again.


I always thought frost had a good theme for tanking, though blood does too. But all the possibilities for using ice as a defensive mechanism seems like it could build itself. I would honestly like to see a few of the tank specs given an ability to be DPS, but that seems like adding fuel to a fire to put it out.

With the way Blood is currently designed and structured, I don’t think Blood Deeps is likely.