Does not say if it needs to be ran on Normal, Heroic or Mythic. Really don’t want to run it multiple times. Does anyone know if Heroic or Mythic is required for the item to drop? It is the Legion Tailoring Quest. Also accompanying quests Thread of Shadow says it is ran in Mythic. Anyone know, Mythic, Heroic or normal?
If a dungeon quest requires a difficulty other than the easiest, it will generally specify it. In this case, Court of Stars only has Heroic and Mythic difficulty, and either should work. (There are Wowhead comments for the quest confirming it works on heroic.)
The comments you’ve seen saying it requires Mythic are from the start of Legion when both Court of Stars and The Arcway only had Mythic difficulty. Heroic was added later (and works for all the professions quests I’m aware of.)
Thank you. I have not been in this one. I have done the other tailoring Quests. Hope to complete the chain soon.