The team with the most heals wins

If this change goes through as it is now, this will be the result. Just like retail, the team with the most healers will be the winning factor of the game. Why? Because heals are far too strong with this amount of damage reduction. I understand this is a testing phase and changes will be made, but thinking 50% damage reduction without any sort of reduction to healing was a silly thought. It should either be 15-25% damage reduction OR if you are going with the 50% damage reduction then heals do 25% less as a result.

SoD pvp is fun, yes it was bursty and you could die in seconds but it was a great experience pvping without godmode healers determining the outcome like retail pvp currently is.


Sure, but they tried 15% damage reduction and healers were useless.
The team with the least dedicated healers and the most kill potential won every fight.
You want to invalidate an entire role cause you don’t like not one-shotting things?
And comparing that to retail?
You have a very poor idea of what pvp is like in retail, and a bad vision of what it should be like in SOD.

50% was too much, and 25% is too little, but for none of the reasons you posted.


Gonna need to find a better balance for sure.

Why do people who haven’t played retail in ages always have these bad takes lmao.


Cause they tried in like legion and climbed to 1200 in 2s, they know best bro

If they want to call them selves “Testing” then they should start bringing the damage reduction down like 10% from here and actually go out and PVP so they can get a feel and maybe find that sweet spot that we all need.

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They don’t even have to test it. They just have to implement what’s been put out by their predecessors, 12% less likely to be crit, 25% less crit damage, %25 less dot damage taken in PvP. What it was in cata/mop.

The old resilience just countered one shot crits, crit stack rogues, and dot oppression. It also didn’t make you hit like a wet noodle in PvE.

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No I don’t have a “very poor” idea of what pvp is like in retail I’m rank 500 in retail pvp with arena achievs. I know exactly how retail pvp is and it’s exactly what I said, the team with the most heals = the victor 95% of the time in unranked pvp. You’re a healer so I understand you love your godmode status but believe me when I say this, the rest of the playerbase does not.

25% is more than enough damage reduction for healers to be compatible in pvp without them being godmode like they currently are with 50%. Healers were never useless in SoD pvp, they just weren’t broken like retail so obviously you didn’t understand that merit.

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In neither retail nor SOD pvp do I play a healer.
Your whole post forces me to call BS on this.

Such a basic classic andy take on retail lmao

I’m also Gordon Ramsay

Sure night elf priest. “Of course” you don’t play godmode heals. Of course.

So the guys getting “MORE” heals die less thus winning the game?

Man we got a rocket scientist over here. Somebody call blizz up and tell them to hire this man immediately.

Guaranteed hard stuck 1200 arena player. You sound exactly like a hard stuck retail pvp’r.

You sound like 5th grade was too advanced for your brain so you dropped and went to alternative school. Want me to link my 2k achievs and 500 pvp rating since your 5th grade brain only configures things when it’s seen?

Healers should be the factor that tips the scales. Winning team should have more heals. Not more players that 1 and 2 shot everyone.

Why should healers always be the winning factor? Why are they that significant in pvp? You’re saying a team of all dps should ALWAYS lose to a team with healers? How is that fair or fun?

Im out, you guys want SoD pvp to turn into retail so be it. Back to BRD farming.

honestly they should just disable pvp damage all together. Make it so that whoever caps first wins and then you just stare at the other team until the game is over.

Oh wait…thats actually happening right now.

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k log on your “500” rated toon and post here

2k is dog sht

I just use the same wrath Character for the classic forums at all times, should I switch to my mage? Or my warrior?