So make attunements account wide and you’re all set cowboy
And who is asking for it? dont wanna sound rude or something but I like to play the game. I’m down for some changes but tbh not the ones that take away the normal experience of the game as it was. Attunements are a really good experience for history and some good rewards, also reputations give u very good items to star playing the game. Also as I remember they removed attunement for raids every upcoming patch in TBCC so also this is just a waste post and again hope I’m not being rude with this
I don’t really think it’s supposed to. The majority don’t need to want TBC, just enough to support it. At least in this case, a petition demonstrates to Blizzard that X number of people, at least, desire a thing.
No it doesn’t. A petition demonstrates that ? number of people clicked a button.
There’s a reason Blizzard doesn’t even allow them on the forums.
lmao, yeah, Meta 100% will not ghost the server like a month in like he does with every single thing he flip flops on.
A number of people clicked them because they are interested in the thing they signed the petition for. If you don’t want TBC servers, no worries, I’m sure we can all safely assume you have no intention of signing.
However, I apparently need to remind you that a petition supporting vanilla servers is a contributing factor for why we got Classic to begin with. So at the very least, Blizzard has demonstrated on one occasion that they respond to communication in this form.
That’s literally not how petitions ever work lol. There is a reason petitions are not used for anything.
Nope – it was the tangible and actually successful private server. That was proof of concept. The petition did nothing.
Nice try revisionist.
The dichotomy of the WoW Classic community.
We want things to stay the same.
But it also needs to be better
I actually chuckled… this from the guy who is outright ignoring the contributions of nearly 300k petition.
Have a good day!
i am a huge tbc fan. its my fav expac, but i will not sign the petition because it wants my real name and that seems kinda unsafe nowadays
it would actually be bettter if it was blizz hosted, cause they can just verify account
oh i wanna fancy it up - unlock 10 level bracket transmogs, sell a barbershop and transmog toy on game store, that can also be rare world drops, and sold on the ah, but only the world drops can be sold on ah, so people dont use the store version to pay to win.
add some new form of customization to the barbershop toy, like a height slider (small, already has precedent in nogginfogger effect, tall, already has precedent in potions that increase size/ap) and special features like illidan tats, warlock mods, pet mods, mount mods and more. ear mods and eyebrow mods, would be cool too. new hairstyles and beards, also.
by 10 level bracket transmogs i mean you can only mog gear in your level bracket back 10 levels, it has to be your armor type, and doesnt show in pvp. flagging cancels the mog
also, store cosmetics like recolors of kael’thas’ tempest keep set, recolors of illidan’s tats, a set of illidan wings, 2 hour costumes like naga, ethereals, broken draenei, dryads, etc, with a 2 hour cd, and also make these rare world drops that can be sold on ah. flagging cancels the costume.
this will add rocketfuel to the economy
heck, even a tbc trading post would be awesome. and if tbc achievements were unlocked, you could roll trading post things into achievements
Just use your in game moniker… you’re still a person
will it count?
You want tbc remix and that isn’t in the spirit of tbc classic or what anyone here wants.
Also you are very, very odd for being scared to put a name on a petition lol it doesn’t have to be real. “Goback2retail”
Include wrath also
Well ive been playing since og vanilla and played classic vanilla, tbc and wotlk, but skipped cata classic cause not a fan of cata. ive also played sod, som, hardcore and era. why, with a play history that thorough, would you want me to leave?
the idea is to give blizz store items to sell so we dont end up with tokens or boosts, while simultaneously giving longevity content for a version of the game that would otherwise become stagnant. notice none of my suggestions are pay to win, and dont effect player power or leveling speed. also they are available in the game world as rare drops and can be bought on the ah as rare drops (but not the store version, to avoid pay to win).
these are incentives to play the whole game as well, which is lost in retail since they appear to have removed rare world drops on the same vein as the orb of deception, sprite darter pet, skullflame shield or staff of jordan. i think legion was the last time i saw world drops - a pair of druid shoulders epic quality and a fox mount
p.s. also played plunderstorm and mop remix
I am not sure there is a ‘dichotomy’ tbc with dual spec, mount collection, pre+post nerf raids, raid wide buffs, and for pvp players, pvp events, arenas beyond s4, and maybe wrath battlegrounds since eots sucks.
Just look what people complained the most of in tbc and apply fixes as you go.
Just give me a basic b*$&h TBC server, that’s all I ask…
That’s right, we only need one, and there’s plenty of us that will commit to it long term and make it thrive.
Seeing as how the private Wrath and TBC servers combined have multiple servers within them and each has about 10k players each…yea the want to play on those is still there.
It would be if Blizzard made it. But there is a private server that runs it EXACTLY the way that original TBC was ran and it is super active with tens of thousands of players.
They have original guild UI and all the original stuff that made Classic, Classic. What Blizzard is currently releasing isn’t Classic. But the reason why those realms have way more players than what Blizzard put out and with more active forums too…is because they are far more close to the orignal.
I want Classic with no changes, no changed guild UI. No account bound pets and mounts and account bound achieves. We have retail to do that with.
What irony though. Blizzard released Classic just to try and get people to stop playing on the private servers…then they change and ruin Classic and now the private servers are booming in population again. We asked for Classic they way it was…and they LIED to us and changed everything in Classic.