The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

There are no death knights in TBC. The claim was about many changes already made to TBCC that were well received.

Paladins sharing seals was well received, that much is true. I don’t know that Boosts and the warp stalker mount were. Pretty much everything involving PvP remains controversial.

I still say “many” is a big stretch.

Correct, but that’s not what Delimicus was saying. He was responding to someone who claimed the following:

In context, the discussion was concerning changes that were made during the TBC to Wrath transition, changes that were well-received.

So that’s why I listed Death Knights as an example as one of the changes to the game was the introduction of a new class: Death Knights.

As far as I know, Death Knights were well-received and were a popular addition to the game. But if you want citation data on that right now I suggest you start a poll.

Again, for the umpteenth time - there is already an available way in game to change one’s spec. Dual spec is not necessary.
If the only motivation is ‘money’ and ‘convenience’, then that’s not sufficient imo to warrant cheapening the important character choices we make.


+1 for dual spec. please and thank you xx

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My alternate spec is an important character choice for me to make. I really want my offspec to be boomkin, but I also really want to heal…

Choices in WoW???/ loooooooooool what a dog crap excuse

This ain’t Obsidian, Pre 2014 Bioware or many other rpgs with ACTUAL choices. I’ve seen more character/player choices playing 1 hour of Swtor than playing 15 years of WoW.

+1 for dual spec


“We already have” is pretty clearly referring to current TBC Classic. Besides Wrath pre-patch IS wrath. period.

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Learn how to read.

I know how to read. Learn how to context.

Yes, because they have made stupid changes, lets just keep that train of dumb rolling…

If your reason is “they already made changes, so just make more changes” that’s a bad reason.


Might as well add Garrisons too because people want materials for crafting.

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Already did that. You’re just upset because I showed you weren’t as smart as you thought you were. You played the “gotcha” game and got got. Get over it.

Stop with the “muh slippery slope” and pretending to be smart enough to know what other people will want. Stay on topic, this is about dual spec, not your delusional fortune telling.

Until they put out a game wide survey, those numbers aren’t a true reflection just like any data or stats can be performed in a way to show what the surveyor wants.

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The polls reflect the sentiment of the majority of players.

oh cute. you have two trolls who lurk and like post that are all about no changes but don’t contribute to any threads. a troll pandaren and the other is named “bait” very nice.

Yes. keep responding back so we can refresh this thread to let devs know that dual spec is being demanded.

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Regardless of what the community wants, now that we have same faction BGs who cares if they add dual specialization.

The current restrictions on respecing just suffocate the game and reduce participation for all types of content across the board.

A player who already is strapped for time isn’t going to log in and farm gold so they can afford to respec in order to farm BGs for terrible gear whilst then having to respec back for their raid. That same player just isn’t going to play and will raid log. On top of that if you added dual specialization you would likely see A. Increased participation across all forms of content B. Better play/results across all types of content because people would always be spec’d properly.

PS I was extremely against dual spec until they added same faction BGs.

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lol the problem is, I bet every single one of those folks who don’t want dual spec barely even do BG/PVP to understand that there is a severe toxicity where people refuse to change from PVE to PVP spec to win the BG. They are just doing it to leech.

I am required to oppose your opinion because of your name.

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