The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

Quite a bit, but thanks for assuming…

Not for a game with millions of players.

You OBVIOUSLY don’t know much about statistics but saying 21k is a “large” sample size when you are talking about MILLIONS of people, is like saying the vocal minority here of the forums is “everyone says”.


If I remember correctly it also cost 1000g in Wrath to purchase dual spec. Worth it imo.


If you were smart you wouldn’t be using this slippery slope done do death argument that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. A lot of people hate retail but they come here and list all the wrong reasons.


The problem isn’t that 21k is a small sample size, to be honest. Obviously bigger would be better, but it’s plenty large enough to work with.

The problem is it’s a tainted sample because we’re selecting from the people who happened to find the poll, rather than random players. There’s inherent bias, possibly large inherent bias, among that sample.

It’s not useless data, but it’s not conclusive about what the community of wow players wants because… you didn’t poll the community of wow players. You polled a subsection that either follows this guy on twitter or happened upon the topic in a wow forum. Neither is neccessarily a group that is representative of the population as a whole.


Dual spec! Dual spec! :raised_hands:
All the tanks and healers holding their breath for this


How on earth will dual spec kill tbc classic? LFR/LFG killed retail, CROSSREALM killed retail, IN-GAME SHOP killed retail, WOW TOKEN killed retail, every single class being the same killed retail, MANY SYSTEMS THAT ARE STUPID killed retail.

You guys are not even thinking anymore, dual spec will grant players FREEDOM TO DO WHAT WE WANT. PvP, PvE, farm, exploration. We are not asking for titanforging, we are not asking corssrealm lfr, we are asking for more freedom on our toons. Why do you think chronoboom was added for? To give you a headache? NO, IT WAS FOR GIVING US FREEDOM ON OUR TOONS.

And btw, asking for a cosmetic like retail models will not kill tbc classic, please give me a break. Also please provide me any proof that any player asked for that.


Disagree. Its not like polling kids on whether or not like they candy. Its a poll about a game feature. There was no way to determine the outcome of that poll.

guess I’m not part of the Classic community then.

Stupid title


That’s why you know nothing about statistics and research. Do you know how many people they use on presidential survey? a couple thousands and with a very mininal error margin they can predict the vote from many more millions of people.

Classic doesn’t have millions of players, farm from that, It has an active population of around 200k people so saying that a poll of 21k players is too small is clearly ignorant.

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It’s also a voluntary response survey, which tend to be biased.


I really like dual spec in the way that WotLK did it and would be glad if they added it to TBC. Especially given the wide range of good specs that exist and how important it is to have at least 1 PvP and 1 PvE spec. It feels like something that Blizzard would have added into TBC but only got around to it too late.

If they don’t add it to TBC because its a WotLK prepatching TBC feature, I can understand them not adding it.


You’re welcome to disagree if you like.

But it’s terrible sampling. You’re self-selecting out all the people who play the game without checking the forums, or following media about the game, and adding extra weight to the people who check the forums frequently.

Applying a sample like that to the whole is pretty meaningless.




It’s not a whole. It’s a sample.
You’re welcome to disagree if you like, but you’re not making a very good point. Besides that the OP has multiple samples.
Have a nice day

And they can claim your perspective is off as well. The 21k is based on survey data from that particular streamer/youtuber whos opinion can also influence those that voted in his survey. Your comparison of a survey for elections is something that is spread out for diverse sampling. Not arguing for either of you, but stop acting like you know Beau’s level of knowledge or that you are smarter, because you are proving otherwise.


I never claimed to be overly intelligent. Just smart enough to know that if you leave decisions up to the masses you end up with Boaty McBoatface.

Also, I wasn’t saying it was a slippery slope. I was saying that there are more dumb people than there are smart people. So blindly doing whatever gets a lot of votes in a poll isn’t always the path you should follow.


21k is a very large sample size for a game that has a couple million players. We are talking about 1% of the player base here, that’s astoundingly high for just a poll.


Also, the poll was taken by a Classic content creator. His entire channel is Classic content, including TBC. He has TBC videos up from over a year ago.

Yes, multiple samples that were both made very poorly.

And making a claim about the whole is the whole idea behind sampling, so I’m not sure why you highlighted that. I’m beginning to think you’re not very familiar with statistics at all.

This page explains the issue, if you’re curious.

What is Selection Bias?

Ideally, you should randomly select every participant in a survey. But, sometimes biases creep in, whether intentional or unintentional. Selection bias takes away from the “randomness” you are hoping to achieve. It’s usually a result of not using the correct procedures to choose your participants. Types of selection bias include: the healthy worker effect, non-response bias, undercoverage, and voluntary response bias.

The mere fact we’re looking at the poll of a content creator, that they have to be following that person’s content to find out about the poll, or active on the forums, etc, is the selection bias. It’s not appropriate to make claims about the wow classic population based on this sample.


I think what you said is true… I think it was Ion or someone else from blizzard mentioning that they planned on releasing demon hunters as a class in tbc but didn’t have time for it. Either way I do believe dual spec would be a benefit to tbc and wouldn’t take much out of it.