The tank problem

back in my day we had to watch threat, shield block, health AND mana.

Its really is a lot.

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I’ll have the #1, large, with 3 Sunders and a Taunt please

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The largest problem I’ve had with tanking is never feeling like I’m doing a good job, even though I’m trying harder to play as a tank than I do as a healer or a dps. And it’s a mix of not hitting buttons fast enough, lack of class knowledge, not pulling enough because I feel like I might not survive, or I’m having trouble due to lack of crowd control or interruptions. It’s like a mix of things that comes together and makes it more challenging to enjoy over other roles I’ve played.

It’s almost a relief to go dps after tanking a bit through the expansion. Of course this could be just a personal experience and my preferences. But it’s like… I can almost go afk brain as a dps compared to tank. Lol I don’t need to worry about surviving every pack that has a different enemy with a different tank buster except if I’m able to help control it. Which is like… hitting a single button while standing in the back. Woo hoo.

But yeah, it’s partly because I am not that good and it might require people to be good to enjoy it.

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back in my day bosses were immune to taunt… if you want to tankswap you stop attacking.

Gurtogg Bloodboil! Good times.

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You absolutely do not need to know everything.

On a fresh max level tanks you start +3s with island gear for those heroic vault slots. At that level with that gear you won’t just die to tank busters without a cooldown.

Now like any character you read your spells and practice your rotation on a target dumb so that knowledge is expected. But that’s expected on any character.

And then by tanking +3 you experience what spells hurt you and when to use your cooldowns. The game teaches you because when omega slash attack with a 3 second cast time is being used on you and your health drops to 20% you know for next time that you should hit a defensive. Just like whenever you’re on a dps class and you get hit hard you learn to hit a defensive for that spell next time. Are you all just not using defensives? Don’t answer that, I don’t actually want to know


And the amount of “the game doesnt teach you”…my guy, the trash leading up to the boss show you the mechanics of the boss lol

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I bet most don’t put 2 and 2 together.


even simpler stuff like Onyxia landing in P3. it’s not “taunt boss”. it’s “if you pulled, run to tank spot and die there”.

Howdy! I’ve tanked since DF S1. I will continue tanking because I find it fun to do for my friends.

I don’t tank for PuGs into the end of the season anymore because they removed the damage and tankynness from us so I don’t see the fun in it anymore.

I find the tank problem to kinda be easy to explain:

  • Regardless of perception in most PuGs we are expected to be the top of the spear, the lead, the pull size maker.

  • Now comes TWW and we both do less damage and are significantly less tanky. So same responsibility with less power and less fun.
    (Damage power scale from S4 is 5:7 for Blood DK and 4.5:7 for other tanks to 3.1-3.5:7 based on which tank you are)

It’s too little too late for them to fix the issue and we’re still going into S2 with the same BS. Only one bone they’ve thrown us is not aura-nerfing the ring damage for tanks/healers.

I can’t blame tanks for feeling like they do at all.

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Sadly thats not the average experience of a player. Most do delves to 8s and than hop in 7s in m+ because of gear ilvls . Thats why. The game doesn’t show how to do routes and and minimax the pulls where the bigger pop knows how to in easy content for them.

than it becomes toxic

I mean if you jump into a +7s trying to fulfill the leadership role on dungeons with zero game knowledge and grief your group then upsetting your group mates isn’t a surprising outcome.

I guess I gotta ask the group what were you expecting when you invited a ilvl 619 tank to your group with 0 m+ score.

I also doubt that this is the average player’s path.


An alt of a normal player

Its shows in the delve data and m+. Even Blizz saying delves ruined in the newest interview as the jump between both is too much for the newer M+ players. Because delves are better for gear until 7s and easier.

thats why the removing the timer was an thing.


This tells everything what each role does and tank and healers have the most.

If you have evidence of this I’d like to see it.

There are certainly players who enjoy delves and completely gear a character soloing them and then go “huh why is my gear only 4/6 heroic?” Then they Google how to upgrade their gear and find out they can get crests via +8s, the last two bosses of heroic raiding or mythic raiding and they try to activities to finish their character and are met with heaps of failure.

I just doubt it’s the average player or even common.

Maybe for some but I find delves mind numbingly boring. And I’ve avoided them after the first week.

Something wrong with your link.

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There isn’t evidence for it but if we look at raider io we can see that there are:

11 mill logged +2-3 runs.
14 mill logged +4-6 runs.
16 mill logged +7-9 runs.
10 mill logged +10-11 runs.
1.5 mill logged +12+ runs.

Which speaks to your point rather than theirs. Aka people aren’t skipping low keys and they’re nearly 1/2 of what is actually run.


Not about “getting your feelings hurt”, it’s about people not listening and screwing up runs because they think everything should be done at warp speed so they pull instead of leaving it to the tank and bad things happen.

I already covered that.

The current shortage of tanks is in fact due to this very issue.

Again, that is part of the challenge of being a tank which is appealing to that personality.

I tank for pugs all the time and the majority of the feedback I get is positive.

This could be a you thing and not a tank thing.

What is this data? Lol

No. Thats what im covering. The people who get upset because someone puled for them dont have the mindset to stick to tanking regardless.