At The Tail End, we raid at the tail end of the week.
Progression: 9/9 since 2nd week.
Goals: We aim to clear Naxx. We are looking for team-players, but we don’t want this game to become anyone’s job.
Class Needs: We’re looking for 1 Resto Druid and 1 DPS (melee preferred). Exceptional players of any class are considered. Please have your gear enchanted and have raided sometime in the last few weeks so we can check logs.
Guild Culture: We are a friendly bunch, camaraderie is more important than loot. Joking and joviality is encouraged, including NSFW humor. But toxicity is not tolerated. No culture war stuff either.
Raid: Sun/Mon 9p-12 EST Modified DKP Contact RASPUTINA in game or “Rasputina (Eneasz)#0956” on Discord https://