The Sylvanas Retcon

One of the biggest retcons for Sylvanas was how originally her internal monologue said that she never wanted to be Warchief, and how she was unhappy with what happened to Vol’jin and that she preferred to be a ruler from the shadows.

I can’t help but think….what the hell happened?

For those of us that were following the story at the time, we would even see elements of how the Void was afraid of Sylvanas and saw her as a threat and wanted her dead. How there were elements of the idea that Sylvanas had a much bigger role to play than we could see. So on and so forth.

Suddenly in end of BFA/SL we are then told she actually did want to be Warchief as part of her evil plot with Mueh’zala and the Jailer all along. Did the writing time just completely get replaced by someone else?

Why the change? What was the original idea?


People can change their mind. Presuming she had influence from Jailor boi she could have been playing the people.

But the Monologue was literally to herself. It was after she was made Warchief, so by the lore this was much later after she had met and made a pact with the Jailer.

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she realized she liked leading the sheeple that are the horde.

that’s 1 part insult and 1 part observation. The horde seem a little too willing to blindly follow whoever is in charge at the time.


So she’s compelled by the Jailor to a large extent, but she internally wouldn’t have been the Warchief if it were her own choice.

I don’t think there’s anything deeper than that.


shadowlands didn’t happen, it’s all just a nightmare from Nzoth. Sylvanas has died at Orgrimmar gates with Saurfang.


Sometimes people even talk themselves into believing something from their past that isnt true or didnt work out the way they wanted. “I never wanted to marry her in the first place” when CLEARLY …you did.


Teldrassil happened


sylvanas’ story is kinda one of failure, she never really wins. Successfully leading the horde through the events of legion (despite not actually doing much through the expansion) was likely a huge confidence boost for her.

that’s likely why she embraced the role of warchief.

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The plot for Sylvanas felt all over the place. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Yeah its very clear that in before the storm, sylvanas had very different thoughts and feelings about her position as war chief and the horde itself.

Somewhere along the way they decided to take her story in a completely different direction.

I would guess it would be in the middle of bfa that they decided to change course. I mean they did have a loyality campaign that went nowhere.
Maybe after burning the tree they felt the horde had gone a bit too dark and had to be recovered.
So they kicked out everyone who does questionable things like sylvanas and gallywix.


And that’s a wrap

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“Times change”


She got the 9.1 firmware update from the Jailer

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Really this.

Before Legion she was basically just living her life taking care of her people. Sure she made a deal with the Jailer to come back with her Val’kyr but up until the point Vol’jin is stabbed she is really just a sleeper cell. Doing her own thing, thinking she got the better of the deal with the Jailer. Then she gets activated and told she has to be the new Warchief because the Jailer has arranged it so that Vol’jin names her as his successor.

I don’t know about you but if I’m just sitting back coasting through my job for a decade and all of a sudden my boss tells me I have to be team leader and follow through with the biggest project ever, I’m not gonna be happy about it. But a year down the line when it looks like I’m gonna pull it off, I might just have changed my mind about the situation.


Oh yes… this is so true. I’ve known people whose relationship to their past is one giant game of multiple choice. Why let reality get in the way of personal narrative?


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Grumbles 2035: “I never even wanted to be the cookie Gnome…”


Azreite. :face_vomiting:

Sylvanas is still alive and Nathanos is part of some revelations for the time rifts. :dracthyr_sweat:


I wish I’ll live that long but probably not lol… I’m old and have health issues.


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