<The Sworn> 3/8M recruiting locks, priests, boomies

The Sworn is a 3/8M Horde guild on Arthas. The guild was originally founded in 2014, during Siege of Orgrimmar, when we achieved Cutting Edge: Garrosh Hellscream. The guild has been raiding continuously every tier since that time and remains active consistently.

We raid two nights a week, on Tuesday and Monday from 9PM to 12AM EST. We’re main character oriented, but consistently run heroic on Wednesday at 8PM EST, and normal on Saturday night starting at 9PM (Shot night!) to help gear alts for those who want to. Heroic and normal raids are not mandatory. Additionally, we run M+ with frequency, and anyone is welcome to join. There’s almost never a time where no one is online, we’re active consistently during non-raid times.

We’re generally laid back, friendly, fun loving people who enjoy downing bosses on an efficient schedule. We’re always willing to consider competent players in any class or spec, but are currently looking primarily for a healing priests, warlocks, and boomkins.

Hit us up with any questions:
Kentauri: Kentauri#1750
Wraug: Wraug#1125