The Sword in Silithus

Honestly, op mention bones and it look like there is ,dragon bones.I 'm not sure weither it is drawing energy or infecting this red energy into Aezroth.

How did you come up with this opinion? There is no sword.


It not a sword at all .

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Are we still talking about the so called sword that isn’t there?

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Can anyone really prove it is a sword or is it a energy conduit?

Ive never seen a sword in Silithus. Just old man Magni wandering around talking to himself about Titans and hearts or something.


As a hunter only thing I seen is Hati when she was wild to yet be tamed by me but alas as stated no sword…


I feel this is appropriate to the thread:


That or


You can always tell when someone is loosing a debate. They go to personal insult and then start demanding that you stop arguing. Look, if you don’t want to debate any more don’t. No one is forcing you to continue.

But as long as others want to keep up the discussion I’m happy to oblige.

As opposed to tightening a debate ?


That’s your opinion and I respect it but I disagree. But if it helps you to keep saying that over and over, by all means, knock yourself out.

You know opinions are like swords everyone has one except Silithus where is that sword.

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I just had to say im curious. Rub cages, is that like some sort of “massage”? Sounds kinda "50 layers of shadow"ish. If anyone has encountered that book in spires of arak they will know what i mean

ps - i love typos!

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:thinking: :rofl: not going there.

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You disagree about what ? That this thread is 11 days old or that you still don’t get the joke ?

I guess you’re right in a sense, the thread is 12 days old now.


You are entitled to your opinion that I didn’t get a joke. That being said, you are not entitled to my opinion. I disagree. But because you and others insist on keeping this debate going I feel obliged to continue and not leave you all abandoned on the debating stage.

:rofl: :helicopter:

What are we even debating ? You’re debating something and everyone else is just embarrassed for you.


Ok quick question, when you were forming those syllogisms were you going for inductive reasoning or deductive reasoning?

Oh look, another meme you didn’t catch.

Let’s actually save some time here. Here’s the explanation :