The Swift Zulian Tiger Is An Instant Gold Cap on the BMAH And is Problematic

Content should never be removed.

Put old ZG back into the game.


okie dokie

yeah just remove gold cap and then people won’t get zulian tigers and brutosaurs for only 10mil…

also if there is no gold cap, people wouldn’t need to worry about losing a mount at 2:30AM EST because they would be allowed to continuously bid higher

Make gold cap account wide. Prob solved.

It’d be nice if they did that for one of the anniversaries.


you don’t need either of these and there is only a limited number of people who will pay gold cap and once they get it they are done.

seeing people seethe and rage over trivial things like that amuse me. i got the Tyrael’s charger mount from the annual pass back in the day. fast forward to present day and not only was it a drop from the treasure goblin event, its also a mount you can get from the trading post.

i’m not upset about it in any way, i personally think its great to allow players another chance to get something they might’ve missed out on back in the day. its like the spirit of competition minion coming up next month.

i didn’t get it back then, because you had to do PvP to get it…now i can just exchange some trading coins and boom. its added to my collection. the spectral tiger cub? got that now too. come to find out, i only needed one more cat minion, to get the title too, so that worked out great for me.

now all they need to do, is add the swift spectral tiger mount to the trading post, or even make it a twitch drop. course that would enrage the neckbeards and mouth breathers something fierce…but at the end of the day, its pixels in a video game. who honestly cares how you get it?


I don’t think it’s “problematic,” in the sense that it’s something worth a dev’s time to prioritize over virtually anything else, but then again I’d rather they just make all this stuff obtainable from its original source.


As do i, i just wish that Blizzard would do it in a gameplay positive way, like the old ZG mounts, just put the instance back in the game, old tier 3, just put the old Naxx instance back into the game, old TCG’s, put them on the BMAH rotation and make them spawn more frequently so that the price can be kept somewhat under control.

All of those types of additions are infinitely better for the overall health of the game instead of just giving them away via Twitch streams or w/e.

Having said all of that, i think Blizzard has chosen their path and it’ll be nothing but giveaways and promotions from here on, i don’t expect anything to be rare or coveted in the years ahead, better to just adjust to our new reality now.

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What is problematic about it? The fact you don’t have gold cap? That’s a you problem not a blizz problem.

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That content was removed (ZG raid.) Content should never be removed.


Just farm it when it was current content like I did. Worked great for me.


That’s an interesting accusation, but you are incorrect unfortunately. The problem is also a non-issue to me but it is an issue for others. I’ll re-quote:

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That’s because some whale transferred to the server.

The problem with that is that anyone who’s at gold cap can trivially buy WoW tokens for gold and afford multiple accounts.

Well, there are websites that charge you IRL money to find the highly desired mounts on dead realms. Once they find them, they have you transfer then they give you the gold for it on that realm.

It’ll get worse now that Longboi is back.


I edited my thread to include the RMT concern. I keep forgetting about it but it’s a big problem.


The problem is that the game incentivizes you to be awake at a certain time. Push weeks in m+ incentive you to log on a certain times, but the range is much wider. Saying be up at 2:30AM every day if you want something is a problem. The gold and waiting for the BMAH to have what you want aren’t the problem.


I forgot to mention that it’s actually much simpler than that. The buyer doesn’t have to lift a finger and can get what they want without ever touching gold. The process involves fraudulent activities though so I’m not going to talk about it on the forums, although I’m sure someone at Blizzard already put 2 and 2 together at some point.


And their gold will drain a little faster