The Swift Zulian Tiger Is An Instant Gold Cap on the BMAH And is Problematic

Hey Blizz,

There’s of course a lot of talk around the Brutosaur mount getting instantly gold-capped when the BMAH resets, but the other mount that doesn’t get the same attention is the Swift Zulian Tiger. This mount has the same issue in which it is impossible to win unless you’re up at 230AM EST on the correct realm on the correct day when the BMAH resets, and able to place your gold cap bid before someone else does.

This issue is even further compounded by RMT BMAH services, and it’s leading to players having to compete with RMT communities on top of it all.

When you consider the issues raised with the BMAH, please keep in mind that there are other mounts, besides the Brutosaur, that face the “insta-cap” problem. This further emphasizes the need for changes to be made.

Thank you.

EDIT: Making it abundantly clear that I already have the tiger since some people have taken this topic to mean I’m complaining I don’t have one.


let me guess, you MUST have that tiger right?


You’re welcome


Bumping the gold cap to 99.9m (repeating, of course) would fix this. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Needs to be on the TP. Eat the rich.


Gold cap could use a bump.

Also they need to release remakes of all these old mounts, because I’m tired of pretending they look cool. Why did they stop releasing high poly versions of the racial mounts? :confused:


I do think Ash’adar is cooler than the original spectral tiger…

but both are great imo, and i agree with you :100:


is it just me, or is it totally weird that people would want to pay that much for a mount which they’ll parade around on twice, then forget about?


Correct, I do have the tiger. I wish more people had a reasonable means of acquiring it though, rather than expecting them to be logged on at a specific point in time to have a remote chance of getting it.

It depends on your perspective. Collectors will jump through burning buildings to rescue a battle pet they’ll never use, so it’s not too surprising, but I do understand where you’re coming from.


I’m all of people sinking their gold. The funny thing is as they think the clout is worth it.

I say this with no malice. Clout is for the insecure.


Raise the cap, let people dump 50 million on it, then it’ll be given away via Twitch drop 6 months later :joy:


i don’t believe you…because if they cared, they’d be posting about this all the time…but it’s really just you tbh :grimacing:


I agree that people should have reasonable access to these types of things without having to spend vast amounts of gold.

I’d argue that the old ZG instance should just be put back in the game so people can go and farm the mounts/mog, same goes for the old Naxx raid, put it back in the game so people can farm the old tier gear.

The problem is, one of these paths is a gameplay positive way of getting these items back into the game, and the other one stimulates token sales… which is why we are where we are.

(full disclosure, i already have these items)


i’m one of those people.
i’d jump through the burning building, then back INTO the burning building, run to the basement, and do it all over again if it meant catching the pet :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

(i just checked stats, I’m 4th over-all on the realm, 29th for pets, 47th for mounts… i’ve been slacking)
too much time playing the forum game :smirk:

i still don’t understand why anyone would want to spend that much on ONE THING

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I’ve been posting about it a fair amount this week. I don’t want the tiger but I completely agree with the sentiment that theforums is sharing.

I am someone who would like to have it, however I have recognized that I will never have it because it is simply impossible to fight with those million-dollar sums of gold, we already know what the solution to this problem would have been, but they did not want to take advantage of it in patch 10.0.7 due to the same problem that T3 is facing at the moment, and that is that all those who have bought these items in BMAH are the biggest problem to bring all these things through alternative ways that do not feel like BMAH 2.0

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I actually got it from the raid :nail_care:t3:


Do you have any thoughts on when insta-capping became a thing? I’m sure there was a time when people wouldn’t immediately spend 10M on one of these mounts and would instead hope they could get it for less.

Me too, i thought i better have a crack at farming it before the raid was removed, went down there and the raptor dropped, i excitedly hearthed with my new mount only to realize i didn’t try for the tiger… went back and the tiger dropped too, both inside the same lockout but a day or so apart i think :joy:

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Hey OP, link your BMAH revamp thread so people can see the ideas. :slightly_smiling_face: