So with further consideration three things come to mind.
- Melee SV isn’t “just another melee spec.” This is lazy reductionism. Specifically it’s a melee/melee pet spec, of which the only other is Unholy DK. At least three other mmo’s have this idea (Rift/Guild Wars 2/ Warhammer Age of Reckoning) so despite what anyone wishes it’s not an unheard of, horrifyingly aberrant design nobody could ever possibly play. The Unholy DK also is a melee/melee pet class that tanks for it’s pet(s) while the SV Hunter has a pet that can tank for it.
(INB4 “those mmos failed because they had a melee pet class, lel.”)
Though well thought out your, let’s call it the 4th Spec, design is there’s already three specs that do Ranged DoT with Pet. They’re the Warlock specs (arguably also partially Balance Druid for dots and Unholy DK again). There’s the argument that what 4th spec adds that they don’t is mobility and durability. That’s not imo persuasive because…
My final consideration comes back to what inspired this post of mine: who is the 4th spec? What is the fantasy archetype that inspires it? All of these questions deeply matter.
They’re why we have Frost DK’s when most posters in this thread would, following their own logic about the melee SV, just ask “who needs that we already have Fury Warriors?” Frost DK’s are part of the Death Knight canon and are probably the closest spec to playing as The Lich King.
Or “who needs Feral Druids because we have Rogues?” Maybe players who like the idea of being a literal murderous predator creeping around in the shadows.
“Do we really need Arcane Mages because all Mages literally use the Arcane?” Turns out Arcane Mages are the technicians of the Academy who have the deepest bags of tricks. See also Rogues.
Every spec, including the SV, who’s seen a conceptual overhaul and eventually landed has had to deal with this challenge. Combat Rogues became Outlaws, Subtlety Rogues became Ninja, Assassination Rogues became the poison specialists -and changed the least, to be fair.
Another parallel situation is the Destruction Warlock. Before Desto Locks had Chaos Bolt they struggled to have a conceptual niche. They veered around between “Fire Mage, but worse” and “Affliction, but uses fire.” Although the exact order of events is hard to know about the time they got Chaos Bolt they started to concretize as “reckless power drunk-obsessives,” Gul’dan became this turned up to 11, and it’s turned out that the mechanics of Chaos Bolt serve this theme by paying off the hoarding of power with a massive blast of death. What serendipity.
See also Protection Paladins becoming layers of divine self-buffs, Prot Warriors becoming about using rage to literally Ignore Pain, Blood DK’s being about the consumption of life energy to sustain themselves like the vaguely Vampire-golems they are when they started as a dps spec, Balance Druids acquiring their various kinds of Sun and Moon mechanics, Mages getting a Water Elemental pet because, hey hey, Jaina the Iconic Frost Mage has one, and so on, et al ad nauseum.
This concepts do drift and mutate frex the complexity of the Balance Druid’s mechanics has changed a few times, DK’s used to be all specs at once because so was the LK, etc. But I think they’re basically locked in. The fine details will probably change, but the specific role and archetype won’t. Want to be Jaina? Play a Frost Mage. Want to be Prince Arthas? Play a Rett Paladin. Uther? Holy Pally. Anduin is a Holy Priest, Velen is a Discipline Priest, and Tyrande …well, she looks kinda Shadowy these days eh?
(Wowhead featured an article breaking down her powers as a kind of Balance Warrior. Interesting idea.)
The crowning irony of this thread is that my conception of the SV Hunter as the Commando is actually very compatible with the 4th spec’s idea of traps and dots.
But in truth it’s time for me to pack up my fanfiction and go. Given the spectacular dyspepsia even not-reading my post has caused I clearly have wasted everyone’s time by failing to anticipate the bitter crusade to “reclaim” the SV Hunter in retail (because seriously you can just go play Classic; Waylay will probably happen eventually) versus my naïve belief that the Survival Hunter forums would be the best place to discuss ideas about the Survival Hunter.
So I’ll leave on this note: if you can’t define a solid, clear concept for 4th spec you won’t succeed. Mechanics aren’t as important, Blizz has mechanics people for days. You need a specific vision, an identity. A theme.
And y’know I could help with that. I even have a word in mind right now. But, eh, I won’t. I don’t have a stake in this fight and frankly little about the proponents of this raging crusade makes me at all sympathetic to a change I don’t need and am not invested in.
The melee Survival Hunter has lasted Four expansions and counting. It doesn’t really have a theme, but it’s got definite mechanics, and it’s already in code. It has already had a Legendary; at the minimum implementing the 4th spec means burrowing back into Legion content and patching in a plot branch for the Hunter’s Class Hall. Designing new models since in no existing case would sharing Legendary models with a different spec would be acceptable. Would there be a retroactive Mage Tower challenge? The budget for this offshoot of Hunter gets deeper and deeper, eh? What do you think? Does Blizz want to spend on changing up a, as already asserted, deeply unpopular spec for the sake of a few thousand incredibly angry forums obsessives?
That’s what you’re really up against: yourselves.
Tah. o/