[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

Mission Orders:
The Dragonscale Expedition

On Friday, the Sunreavers returned to duty following their holiday break. They gathered in their guild hall, in the Chamber of the Guardians, in the beautiful city of Dalaran.

Magister Axiann Sungazer, leader of the Dalaran unit, lead the briefing. The subject turned immediately to the biggest news of the last several weeks: the awakening and sudden reappearance of the Dragon Isles, ancient home to the Dragons of Azeroth, a mere few days sail from Quel’Thalas.

The briefing also covered the series of unatural storms of wind, ice, fire and earth that had been plaguing the lands of Azeroth for weeks, now known to be caused magically and the work of a group calling themselves the Primalists.

Magister Sungazer also revealed the news of Kalecgos, member of the Kirin Tor’s Council of Six, recently returned from the Isles with a warning of an ancient threat, an elemental dragon called Razsageth, freed and bent on remaking the world, and the Dragon Queen’s plans to stop her.

Upon hearing this news, Archmage Khadgar and a large group of Kirin Tor magi, departed for the Isles using Kalecgos’s arcane coordinates to teleport to an area known as the Azure Span. However, two weeks has passed and they have failed to check in or make any contact whatsoever.

The Sunreavers have been ordered to join the newly formed Dragonscale Expedition and travel to the Dragon Isles through more conventional means. They are to meet with the fleet at Quel’Danas and sail to the Isles. While their secondary mission will be to aid the Expedition in securing their base on the Isles, their primary objective remains to locate and confirm the safety of the Kirin Tor in the area.