[The Sunreavers] Undermine: The Hidden Ledger

Waiting on help from above

It was a quiet morning at Light’s Hope. Dawn had not yet broken, most were still asleep. The night shift guardsmen of the Argent Crusade patrolled the walls and the area just beyond. Hippogryph riders circled up above, and a light snow fell.

Axiann stood on the ramparts at Light’s Hope, looking out at the hazy sky moments before sunrise, with a look of worry on his face. The Commander’s plan was sound, but it depending on the magister’s command of aerial units. The Sunreavers, however, had made the journey to the plaguelands on hawkstriders. The dragonhawks were still in Dalaran, far away at the Broken Isles.

Vadinaar had mentioned that a few hippogryphs could be made available for those without a flying mount. But the Thalassians were more comfortable on 'hawks, and they would be at a serious disadvantage if they did not pull off their task.

Over 24 hours prior, Axiann had used his abilities and opened a portal to Dalaran. But he did not walk through. Portals lead to places you had been to, and had taken the time to master the precise coordinates for. Axiann could conjure a portal back home, but he would not be able to conjure one back to Light’s Hope.

The portal had opened in the Violet Gate, the mages’ entrance into the floating city. It had caught the attention of Kirin Tor Guardians stationed there. Reaching through, he handed them a sealed letter to be delivered to his people back at the Tower of the Guardians. Once they had it in hand, he pulled his hand and let the portal collapse.

The Sunreavers’ next event, preparation for the battle to come, will be today on Friday March 4th at 5pm at Light’s Hope.

Now, he waited. Most of the night, he had waited, unable to sleep. His Sunreaver Guardian mages, back home, had access to a spell to create a portal to his staff, which would act as an anchor. Mounted up on the ramparts, he had it emit a homing signal, one that would ripple through the leylines of the world. Dalaran was far. He hoped the signal would make it that far.

Suddenly, a flash of light caught his eye. High above the bridge that lead to Light’s Hope, the air distorted and a portal opened, larger than most. Axiann smiled as he glimpsed the unmistakable spires of Dalaran through the opening. The guardsmen around him adopted defensive postures, and a warning horn was blown. But Axiann was not worried. He smiled.

One after the other, armored Sunreaver Dragonhawks came through the portal, circling the Argent grounds before perching high on the ramparts defending the base. As the last one came through, the portal collapsed.

Now, they would be ready, and the Sunreavers would be able to play their part in the battle to come.