<The Sunreavers> are Recruiting!

Looking for a guild that’s been active throughout the lull? Looking for a friendly group of people to play the game with? What about ongoing story campaigns inline with the Year of the Scourge?

If your answer to all those questions is yes, perhaps you should look into The Sunreavers! We’re a Sin’dorei based militaristic style guild that focuses heavily on Mages! (Although almost all other classes are welcome to join!) *

A word from our devoted Guild Leader, Axiann Sungazer:

*Devoted followers of Archmage Aethas Sunreaver of the Kirin Tor, the Dalaran unit is lead by Magister Axiann Sungazer.

Mirroring the Sunwell itself, the current day Sunreavers embrace the Arcane and the Light.Members, known as Sunreaver Guardians and Sentinels, are capable casters of the Arcane and wielders of the Light, always seeking to better themselves for the good of the Thalassian people. True believers in neutrality, they strive to nourish the millennia-old bond between Quel’Thalas and Dalaran.

As a new initiate, you will learn the secrets of this magical order and train in their ways, pledging your loyalty to the Magister and the Archmage, and helping to lead the way to a bright and prosperous futur for the children of Quel’Thalas.*

So if you’re interested in joining please feel free to add and dm either of us on discord! Or join or recruitment only Discord server!

This is a link to our official application form!


  • The Sunreavers don’t accept Death Knights or Warlocks. Sorry!

Leader of the Sunreavers
Archmage Aethas Sunreaver (NPC) of the Kirin Tor. Aethas believes the future safety and prosperity of Quel’Thalas lies in a strong alliance with Dalaran and the Kirin Tor. Having pledged his Sunreavers to several important campaigns over the years, most notibly the Nexus Wars and the Northrend Campaign, he has units of followers all over Azeroth.

Guild Leader
Magister Axiann Sungazer, a devout follower of Archmage Sunreaver, has lead this unit for over six years. Having begun his recruitment in Silermoon City, he moved his unit to Dalaran once the Sunreavers were re-admitted to the Kirin Tor. He is a Magus who also has a strong belief in the Light of the Eternal Sun.

Guild Vision and Mission
The Sunreavers are a guild that is home to those Thalassians who believe in the Elves’ birthright to mastering both the Arcane and the Light as a way to better their idyllic society. They are pledged to both the Kirin Tor’s Council of Six, and also the Regent Lord of Quel’Thalas, Lord Lorthemar Theron.

Guild Ranks/titles
The Sunreavers membership is made up primarily of Guardians, Sentinels and Scouts.

  • Guardians are the holders of ancient or sacred knowledge. They are typically skilled magi of the Arcane or priests of the Light.
  • Sentinels are the protectors of the order. They are usually battle magi, spellbreakers, paladdins or warriors.
  • Scouts are the eyes and ears of the order. They are skilled at espionage and subterfuge and the discovery and interpretation of new information.

Sunreaver Initiates
New members are given the title of initiate. They must first seek out Magister Sungazer and explain why they wish to enlist with the order. Upon his approval, they report to Guardian Sylas Dawnstride for Initiate Orientation.

Initiates must go through combat assessment and training, flight maneuvers excersises, and go through uniform design and fitting consultations. Also, they are assigned chores or tasks they must accomplish to earn the respect and trust of the order membership.

Sunreaver Tabard
Upon joining as an initiate, new members are asked to wear the Guild Tabard until such a time as they have earned the trust of the order membership. When that happens, the Magister will offer a Sunreavers Tabard to the initiate, along with a promotion to the rank of Guardian, Sentinel or Scout, offering that Thalassian full guild membership.


If you’ve made it this far, why not give us a chance? I mean the worst that can happen is you don’t stay! But the best that can happen is you’ve found a new place to stay for a while.

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Yes! Join the Sunreavers, fellow Thalassians!

…if you want to be a slave to the Horde. True Thalassians stand alongside the Silver Covenant and the Alliance.

(No seriously, Sunreavers are cool and awesome. Best blood elf guild around. Go join them.)


Doing some good old RP with Axiann and a couple others from the Year of the Scourge at Amber Ledge today! :slight_smile:

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funds a advertisement for Sunreavers to make them appear as the group who fights for magical advancement and better opportunities for all, against the vile Silver Covenant terrorist organization.


I’m interested in learning more about your guild but I lack brain cells and can’t figure out how to DM someone on Discord that I’m not friends with.

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Hi, friend!

Feel free to add me as a friend, and we can chat! OR, you could also join our recruitment-only discord, where we can chat about the guild without being friends first. Discord link is:


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We will find a way to RP soon, friend. In fact, we may be RPing with the Magus Senate of Dalaran (MG) in the New Year.

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Second post updated with important guild structure information!

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Update: we have created a formal application form to accelerate the process of recruitment. If interested, please fill out this form and someone will be in touch within 24-48 hours:


The Sunreavers, along with the coalition of allied forces, have reached Icecrown and have retaking the Argent Vanguard from the Scourge and established a base in the area.

The Sunreavers are actively engaged in the Year of the Scourge server campaign and have been weekly since January 2021.

Hit up up to enlist your Thalassian elf!

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Just a bump, as we are still recruiting for our new campaign this January!

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December 31st, Year 34.

The holidays are coming to an end, and with them, orders from the Tower of the Guardian recalling all off-duty Sunreavers to return home:

Citizens of Dalaran will begin to see Thalassians in crimson uniform and armor once more in the days and weeks to come.

Thalassian elves wishing to enlist can find the Sunreavers headquarters in the Tower of the Guardians, at the very center of Dalaran. They may ask to speak to Magister Axiann Sungazer (Axiann#5749 on discord).

They may also fill out the application form below, and will receive a response within 24-48 hours. https://forms.gle/gB7HfTDKTG5tqCwv7