'The Sunreavers' are now recruiting on Moon Guard!

Good morning, Moon Guard!


The Sunreavers, a sin’dorei only role-playing guild, is over 5 years old on Wyrmest Accord. Over the years, we have participated in, and created many of our own, months-long campaigns.

Our guild acknowledges being one unit, based out of Dalaran, of Archmage Aethas Sunreaver’s followers, under the leadership locally of Magister Axiann Sungazer (WrA), High Mage Theros Morningsun (MG) and their commanders.

New recruits, sin’dorei of a good-lawful persuasion, quickly advance to the rank of initiate, during which time they actively work to earn a promotion to the ranks of either Sunreaver Guardians, Sentinels or Scouts.

The idea

The Sunreavers on Wyrmrest Accord have decided to branch out and create a cross-realm guild, expanding our presence onto Moon Guard. We believe that by doing so, we will add to our ranks and enjoy greater potential for story-telling and character development.

One guild, one community

While logistically, there will be two guilds (one on each server), all role-players will be invited to the same discord server, and participate in the same campaigns and events. The guild leader on both servers are played by the same role-player, who has led the Sunreavers for over 5 years on Wyrmrest Accord.

One vision, one guide

To get a better sense of our guild structure, vision and code of conduct, we invite you to take a look at this comprehensive guide to The Sunreavers.

How to apply/enlist

The best way to apply or enquire about enlisting is to join our dedicated recruitment discord server. There, you will connect more quickly with the guild leader or his officers for a chat and OOC interview. After an initial chat, you will be invited to an in-game, in-character interview. If all goes well, you will be invited to join as our brand new Sunreaver Recruit!


Welcome The Sunreavers! We’re happy to have you here. All the best and good luck in getting set up and stuff. I’m sure you’ll find we have lots of eager and willing recruits looking for a home.

We have quite a few MG Horde community discords and forum threads going, so please reach out and introduce yourself. I promise we don’t bite!

Thanks for helping to build our blossoming MG Horde population.


Thank you so much!!


Heya Axiann! Glad to see you branching over and expanding your long-standing guild’s presence onto MG! I remember my time in the guild back when Fey here was still sin’dorei fondly. :slight_smile:

Just wanted to be another voice to welcome you to MG, and I look forward to seeing how things go!


Hell yus! FINALLY some horde RP on MG again!

It’s been what, 4-5 years since the exodus now?

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Hmm, the question is, where have you been for the last few years? MG Horde is small but we’ve always had keen roleplayers.


Not to rain on the parade of Horde players, but dang. Was hoping if you guys did another guild it’d be the Silver Covenant or even just an Alliance-based Dalaran guild. Oh well. Good luck to you guys!

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This High Elf supports this Blood Elf guild existing.

Just don’t mind the fact that I wear red better than any Blood Elf ever will. :sunglasses:


Not to be a naysayer or debbie downer - ya’ll are for sure more than welcome here - but I am concerned that this is not so much a boon to MG Horde RP as one of the previous posters hopes it is.

We’ve had WRA guilds try to put in a foothold here before and it served as nothing much more than a siphon. They contributed nothing to our server, to our events, our communities - only pulled people from us. Which, well, people will go where they want, can’t be mad over that. As a guild that’s mainly based on WRA, I can only assume most, if not all of your events will be held there; the non-guild events you’ll attend or host will be held there as well.

But I sincerely hope this isn’t that and you folks will be better than those who came before and contribute something to us. You’re welcome to come to an upcoming market and recruitment event that’s happening Sunday - more info here: [H-RP] Orgrimmar Market: Cha-CHING!

And I’d recommend checking out some of our community Discords. There’s a whole thread on them somewhere but I’ve since lost it - I’ve got a few pinned/linked in the Discord of the event I mentioned, if you hop in there and look under the #mg-horde-networking channel.

We’ve got more to offer than just potential members, promise. :stuck_out_tongue:


I pretty much dropped off from MG Horde shortly after the exodus. WRA was flooded and locked out, bla bla bla…

Hi all, and thanks for the welcome!

What I like about Moon Guard, from what I hear, is its open-mindedness when it comes to server-wide events or arcs. And what we bring from WrA is the idea that all of our stories are opt-in. I think we can find a way to fit in nicely on both servers!

One campaign I’m currently involved in, and came up with in fact, is the Year of the Scourge year-long campaign for characters staying behind on Azeroth. I have threads for that on both WrA and MG. The planning is underway and we have our own discord server set up. Events will happen in different cities, different factions, almost every week. Hopefully, they can happen on different servers, too!

Hope to meet more and more of you as time passes, and thanks for the invite to the market event!


:smiley: We hope to see you there!

I did see the thread about the Year of the Scourge event and kept meaning to hop into that; gonna go hunt it down and do that now before I forget again, lol.

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Sounds great!

Every event will be opt-in, as will the entire storyline. But we will keep MG and WrA up to date with weekly posts summarizing the story so far.

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