The stuns need to go in horrific visions

You are the one that brought up tauren racial as an excuse as to why they can do it and not you. That tauren racial wasn’t necessary in the slightest.

you’re still here? man, you need to go and do some of those masks you keep saying are so easy. go on now. show us all that skill you apparently have and I apparently don’t have!

go on! git!

inc excuses.

Adrot you’re still here and you haven’t swapped to Tauren yet?

You’d have less excuses on avoiding the Abyss stun. :rofl:

not rich enough to identify as a cow. =/

What you want this to just become an echo chamber of people playing victims with you? I am genuinely curious.

Here i can disect the pack for you if you want. The first dominators died to dots before the cast even went off. The second one could have been typhooned instead of the war stomp and was only at 100k health when the crucible was thrown. A non-crit crucible 3rd cast is about 50-60k and combined with the 3 dots on the mob would die long before the stun cast finished, if not it would die during the channel.

The content is balanced. Its your spec that is not.
That’s the thing.
All of this stuff is avoidable or stoppable in some way.

But you just can’t do it as easily as other classes.

You know what else isn’t balanced?
The fact that you have a stealth that works on about 75 percent of the mobs in those things.

So, use the tools you have to your best ability, and continue learning ways you can dodge or prevent these mistakes from crushing your run.
Step 1 may be some Dubious Delight food. Reduces stuns by 20 percent.

lol. you’re not curious about anything. you have 0 interest in understand the complaint. I’m well aware of the fact people have done 5 masks and yet here you are telling me all the stuff I apparently don’t know. As if… I haven’t already hadn’t looked into it.

The issue is it’s a mechanic that many specs can almost ignore, while it comes down to some RNG for others.

The very druid you posted was decked out. They are geared. So… That’s how you expect players to deal with that mechanic?

“LAWL BRO, just do more damage.”

That’s what you’re saying and that’s what you want. What I’m saying is this could be be designed in a way to keep healers in mind. Make it… better. Make it so that each spec has a different way to deal with it.

The ridiculous thing is you actually want to try and ‘offer’ me help, like you’re in the place to do that. Why not try doing 5 masks first. That’s it. And… you know what, do it as a healer.

My request here is simple. Why people like you have to complicate this is beyond me.

Yeah, because there has never been any situation where one classes was stronger than the rest in the entire WoW history. Nope, that imbalance only occurred once DHs were added into the game. I am so tired of that BS failed statement…

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It’s not balanced. As I stated earlier, if it was balanced, it would be about choices and actions. There are plenty of mechanics that do just that.

Here, the mechanic is specifically built with an interrupt in mind. Why? Not every spec has a kick and for those that do… it’s a very basic mechanic to insure failure doesn’t happen.

My suggestion was simple. Why not have the cast apply a debuff instead of instantly stunning? If you don’t dispel it, it stuns you. This would make classes with interrupts or dispels be able to deal with the same mechanic with the tool set they have available.

It’s a very simple change.

There is literally food you can use as any class to replicate the affects of stealth. Blizzard had that convered. Also, you can use invis pots. They work great.

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You are misunderstanding what balance means. Its not imbalanced because you get stunned for a few seconds.
It would be imbalanced if that stun one shot you or instantly lost your vessel or something.

Its not that serious.
You just are playing a spec with a relatively poor option to disrupt it.

But frankly, you aren’t anywhere NEAR the worst class for it.

Just focus on the mob and kill it asap and knock it back once and you should be good.

Or ya know, stealth past them.

First of all, no.
Its not true stealth, and invis potion has a CD.
Just like you have true stealth and can mitigate the stuns in a variety of ways.

THAT, ironically, is what might be called “balance.”
Quit pouting and do your best to get better.

There are a lot of options to work around this, and even though it COULD be designed better, its not going to change.

Don’t spend your time wishing it did.
Spend your time figuring out how you can never have trouble with it again.


Mage Tower had specs in mind these visions dont thats why they people dont like them among other reasons.

He is 4 IL higher than you are and was using a 400 IL trinket (you can see the compendium of storms proc).

Again, you have not put forth actual evidence it is RNG. I have not once seen any sort of variance in the Dominators since they always Void Bolt first into Touch of the Drowned.

Also, again, your spec has just as many “outs” to the dominators that mine does. Or Mages. Or Priests. Or Shaman. Melee, sure have more tools since they usually have an on demand stun as well as their kick, but that straight up doesn’t matter. Hell, in the holy priest video of stormwind they eat the entire channel from the informant (same exact mob basically) and their health bar doesn’t even move with two mobs beating on them.

There’s no real use for this thread anymore, I think we’ve established that it’s a learn to play issue, and that other resto druids are able to do it.

Before asking for content to be changed, perhaps maybe we should try adapting and overcoming in the future? And save ourselves from a pointless thread on the forums.

Off to the Steam library!

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Heck I was 461 when I did mine as Balance druid. I’ve never even full cleared on my Balance druid because Guardian was so much easier at first until I got the talents up.

Now Imma try resto next week .

I don’t get it, what’s so hard for doing it as resto spec?

You open with rake stun, eat the first bolt, bash the stun cast and move on with your life?

Is the average WOW playerbase actually this stupid?

Oh look its a DH defending the utter opness by pretending its bussiness as usual because other classes have been broke in the past.

DHs have been moronicly OP and only have gotten more broken as we went deeper into BfA and need to be nerfed to the ground.

That class can roflstomp 5mask visions, be ridiculous in pvp as well as pve and m+

What is RNG about this?
The mob literally cast things in a sequence, you either avoid them, or just plan ahead your cd/heal/kick/etc… on that pack if you want to engage.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

“Valley of Wisdom. The pack just off the right as you enter. I had the titan buff when I pulled at health was relatively high with a hot still ticking on me. If it’s not necessary to pull it, I won’t.”

" If it’s not necessary to pull it, I won’t"
" If it’s not necessary to pull it."
" If it’s not necessary"

Yeah I’m 100% sure most people avoid those two because of the stun mechanic. No wonder why you’re dying to the stun!