The strongest and simplest specialization in the game

Hey, everyone!

Can someone recommend me a specialization and class in the game so that I can always be the first to deal damage in raids and m+ (PVE), while pressing maximum 1 - 3 keys when ready (without any subtleties or nuances)?

For some reason, the Beast Master was the first thing that came to my mind.

Ret. It basically plays itself for you. Blizzard doesn’t think Paladins can press buttons very well.


it’s definitely ret. enjoy!

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Real answer? No. There isn’t anything that easy if you want to do well. Ret is easier than some things, but it still requires a bare minimum understanding of mechanics and buttons to push. Even video games take a sliver of effort sometimes.

It really doesn’t. It’s a 3 button spec where all the skill expression is in the utility, which is something you’ll never need to worry about in a heroic raid and most rets never press in M+ either.

Confirmed, most PUG Rets in M+ don’t even need to use kicks, let alone their Paladin utilities. MAXIMUM MONGLOID LET’S GO!

PS: For the same reason I also tend to avoid inviting Rets into my groups as a tank, I’ve always found specs like WW make use of their utility and kicks much better and put in more effort overall.

It’s kind of the opposite at low keys. Ret being so easy to play and having a passive defensive means they generally perform better than other specs who also aren’t pressing their defensives.

Ret kick does dmg, ww kick doesn’t
Ret has bres, ww doesn’t
Everything > mystic touch.
Ret passively heals the party through dmg, ww doesn’t.
Ret is tankier and harder to die than ww.
No, you want ret over ww any day.